?applying log ldf from 1 server to mdf from another

  • I have a .bak file from when a db was copied to xfer to a dev server and I have a .ldf from the log from production.

    I have restored the db, but now want to apply the transactions from the prod server. Process is fussing that it is not a .bak file.



  • You cannot move the transacitons from an LDF. That's a log file.

    You'd need to do a log backup from production and apply that, but your full restore would need to include the WITH NORECOVERY option. The log backup also needs to be in a chain that includes the same full backup you're restoring.

  • Thanks - words matter and i used transaction instead of log.

    Problem is the db was not being backed up. We have a point-in-time bu when it was being copied to a dev server. And I think we have a recent log file.

    Came to light when server went toes-up and drives had to be rebuilt.

    So, i have restored from the old bu and am trying to get the newer log applied.



  • Unless the log is directly after the backup, you can't.

    The way this works is (over time):

    full backup 1

    - log 1

    - log 2

    full backup 2

    - log 3

    - log 4

    If you have Full 1 and log 4, you'd stuck with data from full 1 only. The log isn't cumulative for all time, the chain is reset with full backups. If you have full 2 and log 4, you can't apply log 4 without log 3 as well. The only recovery scenarios are:

    Full 1 + log 1 (optional) + log 2 (optional, only if log 1 is applied)

    Full 2 + log 3 (optional) + log 4 (optional, only if log 3 is applied)

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