Are the posted questions getting worse?

  • ChrisM@Work (2/16/2016)

    Lynn Pettis (2/16/2016)

    The real problem is that those that govern have forgotten who are the masters and who are the servants. Government is supposed to the servants of the people not the people the servants of the government.

    Couldn't agree more. I think a contributor to this is the sense of entitlement of some of these candidates, before they even get as far as politics. This obviously isn't a new thing and certainly not restricted to the buffoons already alluded to (you know who you are, you fruitcakes), it just seems so obvious these days. And of course it takes a ton of money to get started in most countries, and you don't get that by being humble.

    I can't speak for other countries but in the US politics has become an industry and politician has become a career. It's hard for anyone to work as an objective public servant under those restrictions.

  • GilaMonster (2/16/2016)

    Hugo Kornelis (2/16/2016)

    Oh, I am not laughing. Not at all. I am concerned and bewildered. Mostly concerned.

    Likewise. With a side of terrified that one of the buffoons might actually get elected (and of the behaviour of some of the people who follow those buffoons)

    I feel like that too.

    Of course in Britain we had Blair as prime minister, and then Brown, both of whom made substantial progress towards turning Britain into a police state (despite an election manifesto stating they wouldn't dothat) with surveillance levels unmatched outside the communist bloc, and having got rid of them we had a short respite while the junior partner in a coalition government managed to put the brakes on that stuff, and now we have Cameron without a coalition partner to keep him in check introducing legislation which will put civil liberties in Britain on a par with those in North Korea and in the United States' facility at Guantanamo. And there's no sign of any large party adopting a competent leader who believes in demcracy or bringing forward sensible policies. Maybe we are better off than the USA though, we have no potential prime ministers quite in the same buffoon class as a couple of the presidential candidates (the nearest thing to it is Corbyn, but the chance of him leading his party to an election win next time round is very close to zero).


  • I might have lost my composure in my last reply.

    I wonder if Java developers go to C# forums and then say that the provided code didn't work.

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • I thought in Chicago 20% was the number of dead voting

    That would Texas 😀

  • Luis Cazares (2/16/2016)

    I might have lost my composure in my last reply.

    I wonder if Java developers go to C# forums and then say that the provided code didn't work.

    Barely. The OP escalated pretty quickly from wanting help to acting like a jerk. I actually thought your response about how to fix the error was hysterical. Apparently the OP didn't find it quite as funny as I did.


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  • Sean Lange (2/16/2016)

    Luis Cazares (2/16/2016)

    I might have lost my composure in my last reply.

    I wonder if Java developers go to C# forums and then say that the provided code didn't work.

    Barely. The OP escalated pretty quickly from wanting help to acting like a jerk. I actually thought your response about how to fix the error was hysterical. Apparently the OP didn't find it quite as funny as I did.

    To be fair, I removed the part saying that if he only knew how to copy and paste code, he should keep away from the computer.

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • Luis Cazares (2/16/2016)

    Sean Lange (2/16/2016)

    Luis Cazares (2/16/2016)

    I might have lost my composure in my last reply.

    I wonder if Java developers go to C# forums and then say that the provided code didn't work.

    Barely. The OP escalated pretty quickly from wanting help to acting like a jerk. I actually thought your response about how to fix the error was hysterical. Apparently the OP didn't find it quite as funny as I did.

    To be fair, I removed the part saying that if he only knew how to copy and paste code, he should keep away from the computer.

    LOL. While that is true I applaud you for changing your mind. 😀


    Need help? Help us help you.

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    Need to split a string? Try Jeff Modens splitter

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    Understanding and Using APPLY (Part 2) -

  • Sean Lange (2/16/2016)

    Luis Cazares (2/16/2016)

    Sean Lange (2/16/2016)

    Luis Cazares (2/16/2016)

    I might have lost my composure in my last reply.

    I wonder if Java developers go to C# forums and then say that the provided code didn't work.

    Barely. The OP escalated pretty quickly from wanting help to acting like a jerk. I actually thought your response about how to fix the error was hysterical. Apparently the OP didn't find it quite as funny as I did.

    To be fair, I removed the part saying that if he only knew how to copy and paste code, he should keep away from the computer.

    LOL. While that is true I applaud you for changing your mind. 😀

    Where's the thread so I can iterate that notion?

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
    I have given a name to my pain...MCM SQL Server, MVP
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  • SQLRNNR (2/16/2016)

    Sean Lange (2/16/2016)

    Luis Cazares (2/16/2016)

    Sean Lange (2/16/2016)

    Luis Cazares (2/16/2016)

    I might have lost my composure in my last reply.

    I wonder if Java developers go to C# forums and then say that the provided code didn't work.

    Barely. The OP escalated pretty quickly from wanting help to acting like a jerk. I actually thought your response about how to fix the error was hysterical. Apparently the OP didn't find it quite as funny as I did.

    To be fair, I removed the part saying that if he only knew how to copy and paste code, he should keep away from the computer.

    LOL. While that is true I applaud you for changing your mind. 😀

    Where's the thread so I can iterate that notion?

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • Luis Cazares (2/16/2016)

    SQLRNNR (2/16/2016)

    Sean Lange (2/16/2016)

    Luis Cazares (2/16/2016)

    Sean Lange (2/16/2016)

    Luis Cazares (2/16/2016)

    I might have lost my composure in my last reply.

    I wonder if Java developers go to C# forums and then say that the provided code didn't work.

    Barely. The OP escalated pretty quickly from wanting help to acting like a jerk. I actually thought your response about how to fix the error was hysterical. Apparently the OP didn't find it quite as funny as I did.

    To be fair, I removed the part saying that if he only knew how to copy and paste code, he should keep away from the computer.

    LOL. While that is true I applaud you for changing your mind. 😀

    Where's the thread so I can iterate that notion?

    I can't outdo Moden on that thread. He wins.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
    I have given a name to my pain...MCM SQL Server, MVP
    Posting Performance Based Questions - Gail Shaw[/url]
    Learn Extended Events

  • SQLRNNR (2/16/2016)

    Luis Cazares (2/16/2016)

    SQLRNNR (2/16/2016)

    Sean Lange (2/16/2016)

    Luis Cazares (2/16/2016)

    Sean Lange (2/16/2016)

    Luis Cazares (2/16/2016)

    I might have lost my composure in my last reply.

    I wonder if Java developers go to C# forums and then say that the provided code didn't work.

    Barely. The OP escalated pretty quickly from wanting help to acting like a jerk. I actually thought your response about how to fix the error was hysterical. Apparently the OP didn't find it quite as funny as I did.

    To be fair, I removed the part saying that if he only knew how to copy and paste code, he should keep away from the computer.

    LOL. While that is true I applaud you for changing your mind. 😀

    Where's the thread so I can iterate that notion?

    I can't outdo Moden on that thread. He wins.


    Only one way to describe that topic:

    Well, *THAT* escalated quickly...

    Two replies before it went to pissy OP.

    The only thing that topic didn't get was Godwin'ed...

  • djj (2/16/2016)

    Alan.B (2/16/2016)

    Lynn Pettis (2/16/2016)

    The real problem is that those that govern have forgotten who are the masters and who are the servants. Government is supposed to the servants of the people not the people the servants of the government.

    I could not agree more. Part of the problem, too, is that the people have more power than they are using. In Chicago only 20-something percent of us vote and those that do aren't always very uninformed. It's not much better nationally. If we had an informed public who voted in much larger numbers we'd have a much, much better government. Until then...

    I thought in Chicago 20% was the number of dead voting. 😀

    My vote goes to Snoopy. He has actually out performed other (non-top two party) candidates in the past.

    Haha. I suspect that the number of dead people voting is higher than 20% of total voters and many of the dead people vote more than once per election. The really sad thing is that I'm only partially joking.

    "I cant stress enough the importance of switching from a sequential files mindset to set-based thinking. After you make the switch, you can spend your time tuning and optimizing your queries instead of maintaining lengthy, poor-performing code."

    -- Itzik Ben-Gan 2001

  • (2/17/2016)

    SQLRNNR (2/16/2016)

    Luis Cazares (2/16/2016)

    SQLRNNR (2/16/2016)

    Sean Lange (2/16/2016)

    Luis Cazares (2/16/2016)

    Sean Lange (2/16/2016)

    Luis Cazares (2/16/2016)

    I might have lost my composure in my last reply.

    I wonder if Java developers go to C# forums and then say that the provided code didn't work.

    Barely. The OP escalated pretty quickly from wanting help to acting like a jerk. I actually thought your response about how to fix the error was hysterical. Apparently the OP didn't find it quite as funny as I did.

    To be fair, I removed the part saying that if he only knew how to copy and paste code, he should keep away from the computer.

    LOL. While that is true I applaud you for changing your mind. 😀

    Where's the thread so I can iterate that notion?

    I can't outdo Moden on that thread. He wins.


    Only one way to describe that topic:

    Well, *THAT* escalated quickly...

    Two replies before it went to pissy OP.

    The only thing that topic didn't get was Godwin'ed...

    Maybe next time I could rickroll the OP. 😎

    The only problem is that company internet filters might block youtube.

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • Alan.B (2/17/2016)

    djj (2/16/2016)

    Alan.B (2/16/2016)

    Lynn Pettis (2/16/2016)

    The real problem is that those that govern have forgotten who are the masters and who are the servants. Government is supposed to the servants of the people not the people the servants of the government.

    I could not agree more. Part of the problem, too, is that the people have more power than they are using. In Chicago only 20-something percent of us vote and those that do aren't always very uninformed. It's not much better nationally. If we had an informed public who voted in much larger numbers we'd have a much, much better government. Until then...

    I thought in Chicago 20% was the number of dead voting. 😀

    My vote goes to Snoopy. He has actually out performed other (non-top two party) candidates in the past.

    Haha. I suspect that the number of dead people voting is higher than 20% of total voters and many of the dead people vote more than once per election. The really sad thing is that I'm only partially joking.

    Yep, here in Ohio, Cleveland tends to have a lot of dead voting (or used to). Unofficial saying: Vote early, vote often.

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