Are the posted questions getting worse?

  • Brandie Tarvin wrote:

    For some reason, I'm not seeing a "report" link on this post. Can someone report it for me?

    If not mistaken that is one I managed to report - once its done no one else can report it.


    I do miss the old forums where 3 strikes (from some of the regular users) would ban the user being reported.

  • Jeff Moden wrote:

    x wrote:

    Jeff Moden wrote:

    x wrote:

    another one thinks linking a c sharp program to a visual basic library creates a "tower of babel."

    Heh... that would be me and, actually, it does, cost wise and maintainability wise (in more ways than one) .  There's no difference between that and doing something like using a combination of Perl, Active X, VBs, C#, and a plethora of batch files all called from an SSIS package to prepare a a single file for import.  And, no... I couldn't make that last part up on a bet.  It really happened and I really replaced it all with some T-SQL that converted the 45 minute process just to get 1 file ready for import to importing, validating, and distributing the data for 8 files in 2 minutes.

    What, you aren't liking your stay in my little "hall of fame" ? LOLOL


    If you think there is no difference between the list you gave me, and calling a VB method from C#, then how do you imagine you're not going to be honored in my little list?

    There is no question that there's a difference, Patrick, and I did mention that in my previous post and that sometimes it's necessary to prevent reinventing wheels.  But, despite your objections to what I've stated, you did point out in our original conversation, there are still other costs to consider.  I definitely agree.

    Anyway, glad to be on your frontal lobes. 😀

    Heh you wouldn't have won the trophy if you hadn't submitted your entry!



  • x wrote:

    Jeff Moden wrote:

    x wrote:

    Jeff Moden wrote:

    x wrote:

    another one thinks linking a c sharp program to a visual basic library creates a "tower of babel."

    Heh... that would be me and, actually, it does, cost wise and maintainability wise (in more ways than one) .  There's no difference between that and doing something like using a combination of Perl, Active X, VBs, C#, and a plethora of batch files all called from an SSIS package to prepare a a single file for import.  And, no... I couldn't make that last part up on a bet.  It really happened and I really replaced it all with some T-SQL that converted the 45 minute process just to get 1 file ready for import to importing, validating, and distributing the data for 8 files in 2 minutes.

    What, you aren't liking your stay in my little "hall of fame" ? LOLOL


    If you think there is no difference between the list you gave me, and calling a VB method from C#, then how do you imagine you're not going to be honored in my little list?

    There is no question that there's a difference, Patrick, and I did mention that in my previous post and that sometimes it's necessary to prevent reinventing wheels.  But, despite your objections to what I've stated, you did point out in our original conversation, there are still other costs to consider.  I definitely agree.

    Anyway, glad to be on your frontal lobes. 😀

    Heh you wouldn't have won the trophy if you hadn't submitted your entry!

    This is starting to sound like the "story of Joe"

    Joe would go to the church every day and do the same prayer "Please God, let me win the lottery"

    One day, in the middle of Joe's prayer, a thundering voice shook the Church, "Joe, you have to buy a ticket"



  • Brandie Tarvin wrote:

    I didn't see it as reported until after I posted here and then refreshed the other page to see if I could see the report button yet.

    We have a fix in test to allow multiple people to report something and see the number of times. We'll use this to make some decisions on SPAM stuff.

  • Wow, this topic got quiet...

    So, I now know the feeling of taking a day off work to try to get a hotel room for a vacation (that's almost 12 months out,) spending half an hour on the phone and web hammering on the reservation line and site (the wife was helping,) and after *FINALLY* getting through to someone, being told "we're booked up, there's no rooms available."  ARGH!

    So now we're in the "hoping to catch a cancellation on a Monday, or another block opening up between now and then, or finding someplace not too far from public transit" stage.


    Unrelated to the above, any suggestions on sites or guides on setting up a blog?  I'm thinking about maybe giving it a go.  I've already got a domain registered to use, just need someplace to park a blog and presumably blog software...

  • wrote:

    Wow, this topic got quiet...

    Unrelated to the above, any suggestions on sites or guides on setting up a blog?  I'm thinking about maybe giving it a go.  I've already got a domain registered to use, just need someplace to park a blog and presumably blog software...

    Wordpress is super simple and free. It started out as blog software but has evolved into a full blown CMS. Many of the blog artifacts are still in place. It has tons of free skins and extensions. I know some of the folks around here use wordpress and I have used it for a couple of websites outside of work. The only downside for me is it is written in php which means I can't write my own custom modules as I can't even spell php, let alone code it.


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  • I use (or .com) for my I can't do a lot of modules, but it has worked for me and they manage everything. Cheap too. Use GOOG for the domain and email, WordPress for hosting.

  • I fell your pain, I spent several hours Sunday trying to book flights for an upcoming vacation.  Did all the searching, found the best flights at a reasonable price.  Went through all the steps of entering my info, the wife's, picking our seats, entering credit card info, then clicked 'Purchase'  only to have it spin for a minute or so and come back with 'Error'.  So what do we do, well we went through the whole thing again hoping it was just a glitch in the system.  Nope, got the same darn error.  So we called the airline support number.  After a half an hour or more on the phone with them they say that one of the connecting flights is saying it is booked(the connection is through a small regional airline).  Turns out the main regional site says it's booked, but in small print it says to check another regional airlines site, I did and it said it had seats available. So the major airline couldn't do this for us.  So I decide to use Expedia to see if I can book my trip, with different connections.  Found one, went through and was picking seats only to get to the last leg of the trip back home and the site hangs up, just spinning waiting for the seat map to come up... ten minutes later I get fed up and close up everything.  At this point I'm almost wondering if the universe is telling me not to take the trip.  We may try again tonight to see if we can have any better luck.

    we travel not to escape life but for life not to escape us
    Don't fear failure, fear regret.

  • Heh, yeah, it's frustrating.  The website for reservations never threw an error, it just kept throwing "event not found" and when it finally did find the event, it was already booked full.

    There's 5 hotels involved in this, two of them allow what they call "legacy booking," meaning people who've scored a room there can book a room for the next year (as long as they pay in full.)  Those two hotels?  Yeah, not even opening booking as they're already full-up.

  • Expedia and other travel sites are being battered at the moment by people stranded as a result of Thomas Cook going into administration ... that may be a factor.

    If you haven't even tried to resolve your issue, please don't expect the hard-working volunteers here to waste their time providing links to answers which you could easily have found yourself.

  • wrote:

    Heh, yeah, it's frustrating.  The website for reservations never threw an error, it just kept throwing "event not found" and when it finally did find the event, it was already booked full.

    There's 5 hotels involved in this, two of them allow what they call "legacy booking," meaning people who've scored a room there can book a room for the next year (as long as they pay in full.)  Those two hotels?  Yeah, not even opening booking as they're already full-up.

    I have loved some of the places we have traveled, but to know I want to comeback to the same place next year?  I haven't done that yet.  We are trying to not repeat places right now.  Except we have done Hawaii for 5 different trips, but all have been different experiences.  We are thinking we may repeat a place if we can't get the flights figured out on the one we are trying now.

    Just makes me curious as to when and where you are going for it to be that popular.

    we travel not to escape life but for life not to escape us
    Don't fear failure, fear regret.

  • below86 wrote: wrote:

    Heh, yeah, it's frustrating.  The website for reservations never threw an error, it just kept throwing "event not found" and when it finally did find the event, it was already booked full.

    There's 5 hotels involved in this, two of them allow what they call "legacy booking," meaning people who've scored a room there can book a room for the next year (as long as they pay in full.)  Those two hotels?  Yeah, not even opening booking as they're already full-up.

    I have loved some of the places we have traveled, but to know I want to comeback to the same place next year?  I haven't done that yet.  We are trying to not repeat places right now.  Except we have done Hawaii for 5 different trips, but all have been different experiences.  We are thinking we may repeat a place if we can't get the flights figured out on the one we are trying now.

    Just makes me curious as to when and where you are going for it to be that popular.

    As an artist who runs a booth at the event every year described it (and quite perfectly, too!) the convention could best be described as "Nerd Mardi Gras."

    5 days (24hrs a day) of just about every geeky, nerdy, weird, crazy things you can think of...  Costumes everywhere, and you can bump into famous (in their field) people anywhere.  We went in 2018, I bumped into Larry Niven (Ringworld, Man Kzin Wars,) twice, Timothy Zahn once in an elevator, and the wife took a writers workshop run by Mike Stackpole (Star Wars novels, BattleTech novels.)

    Panels on technology, futurism, medieval stuff, maker stuff, you name it.  You enjoy gaming?  The D&D role playing fills up as fast as it's announced, they've got consoles you can pick a game and plunk down to play, walk up and play table top stuff.

    Parties?  We (being old farts,) only managed two late night events, the 8-bit 80s party and the kilt blowing.

    This con fills 5 downtown Atlanta hotels and pretty much every hotel within an hour gets booked.  I think the year we went the attendance for the 5 days was around 80000 people...

    Way, way, way too much fun.  If anyone's interested, I've got a shared Google Photo album, I can post the link to our photos later.

  • I'm vacationed out. Spent last weekend watching my daughter play college volleyball live, but I've had a good year of trips and am ready to just stay home for a few weeks. Unfortunately, that's all on hold until after the PASS Summit, as I'm booked up almost every week until then.

  • Steve Jones - SSC Editor wrote:

    I'm vacationed out.

    What is that?  I don't understand!  Does not compute!! 🙂

    Even after a two week vacation I'm not vacationed out.  Vacations are never long enough, just like weekends are never long enough.

    we travel not to escape life but for life not to escape us
    Don't fear failure, fear regret.

  • Sigh.

    There is a half-baked ETL process that was put in place by a co-worker.  It essentially creates a series of big flat tables used for reporting.  It's on the list of things that will be replaced/fixed/etc.

    I spent more that a month cleaning up the queries (it used to take 3 hours, now it takes 8 minutes), fixing the bad data, and generically making it better.

    I added columns to most of the tables that contain the guids for clients and users, which is the only data point that can be used to identify and join these entities across all of the systems.

    The report person sent me a request to remove the newly-added columns because all of the reports broke.  I told her that adding a column should not have broken any of the reports, unless she had used SELECT * in all of them.

    Yep.  That did it.  Too bad.  Fix your reports. All 253 of them.

    Michael L John
    If you assassinate a DBA, would you pull a trigger?
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