Are the posted questions getting worse?

  • I am looking forward to seeing the latest Star Wars movie.  I will wait until the crowds die down a bit, probably when I get back from TN.

    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.


  • Happy Yuletide! Merry Christmas! Happy New Year!

    Star Wars sucks (not the first two, chronological, films, just all the rest)!

    Looking forward to going to see 1917 though.

    ----------------------------------------------------The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood... Theodore RooseveltThe Scary DBAAuthor of: SQL Server 2017 Query Performance Tuning, 5th Edition and SQL Server Execution Plans, 3rd EditionProduct Evangelist for Red Gate Software

  • Grant Fritchey wrote:

    Happy Yuletide! Merry Christmas! Happy New Year!

    Star Wars sucks (not the first two, chronological, films, just all the rest)!

    Looking forward to going to see 1917 though.

    I personally would not go as far as to say any of the Star Wars movies sucked.  Some are better than others.  I will say I dislike some of the changes to the originals.  They are just movies, meant to entertain.  Some have better story lines than others.  I do have to say I really enjoyed Rogue One and how it tied right in to the first Star Wars movie.

  • Thom A wrote:

    Merry Christmas All, hope you enjoy the holidays (those of you that get them off 😉 ).

    Won't lie, I really don't want to go see the latest Star Wars film, I really did not enjoy the last one. Few friends are trying to get me to go, but they've openly admitted it's more to see my reactions to it, than anything. >_<

    That's so funny - that's my tactic as well.  I've been trying to get my wife to watch the last movie, simply because I need to confirm the level of howling she will emit upon seeing the very end of the last one 🙂

    Your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on my part...unless you're my manager...or a director and above...or a really loud-spoken end-user..All right - what was my emergency again?

  • Matt Miller (4) wrote:

    Thom A wrote:

    Merry Christmas All, hope you enjoy the holidays (those of you that get them off 😉 ).

    Won't lie, I really don't want to go see the latest Star Wars film, I really did not enjoy the last one. Few friends are trying to get me to go, but they've openly admitted it's more to see my reactions to it, than anything. >_<

    That's so funny - that's my tactic as well.  I've been trying to get my wife to watch the last movie, simply because I need to confirm the level of howling she will emit upon seeing the very end of the last one 🙂

    I was unbelievably close to walking out of the screening at the Leia in Space scene. /headdesk


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • I'll easily grant there have been moments in the current round of SW movies that have been...

    Questionable and lead to WTF moments if you try to think too hard about them.

    But overall, I'm still enjoying them (and FAR more than SW Ep 1-3) enough to keep going to see them.  OK, Solo was, not as good as I hoped.

    Unrelated, the wife and I are starting to plan our summer trips, what does it say that we're thinking about going up north for the weekend of July 4th to the Traverse City area?  For those not familiar with Michigan, we'd be dealing with:

    • The Traverse City Cherry Festival (craft show, air show, other shows)
    • It's the 4th, everyone and their family is going up that way who can, campgrounds are packed, hotels are packed
    • Traffic on I-75 is...  Less than good.  Imagine near stop-and-go traffic for nearly 100 miles...

    The campground thing we're not worried about, we stay somewhere a bit "niche" that's far enough away to not get crazy-busy while close enough we can go into Traverse City for the festival.

  • wrote:

    I'll easily grant there have been moments in the current round of SW movies that have been...

    Questionable and lead to WTF moments if you try to think too hard about them.

    But overall, I'm still enjoying them (and FAR more than SW Ep 1-3) enough to keep going to see them.  OK, Solo was, not as good as I hoped.

    Unrelated, the wife and I are starting to plan our summer trips, what does it say that we're thinking about going up north for the weekend of July 4th to the Traverse City area?  For those not familiar with Michigan, we'd be dealing with:


      <li style="list-style-type: none;">

    • The Traverse City Cherry Festival (craft show, air show, other shows)


      <li style="list-style-type: none;">

    • It's the 4th, everyone and their family is going up that way who can, campgrounds are packed, hotels are packed


      <li style="list-style-type: none;">

    • Traffic on I-75 is...  Less than good.  Imagine near stop-and-go traffic for nearly 100 miles...


    The campground thing we're not worried about, we stay somewhere a bit "niche" that's far enough away to not get crazy-busy while close enough we can go into Traverse City for the festival.

    Jason, I frequent that part of the state several times a year.  You may find that I-96 West to US-31 North is a better drive.  It's a longer distance, but the time turns out the be better most of the time. You avoid M-115 and M-55, which are two-lane roads with the occasional passing lane.  It depends heavily on the time of day you make the drive.  Going super-early (leave at 6:00 AM) in the day is best.  US-31 North has the added benefit of by 75 MPH until you hit Ludington. 🙂  Then you take the job on US-10 to get back on US-31 North, which runs right up to Traverse City.

  • I think they had an opportunity with this new Star Wars film. They could have opened right at the moment the last one closed. Everyone is celebrating their "victory". Suddenly, it sinks in. They just suffered about a 99.99% casualty rate. The "rebellion" (and you have to explain to me how something that is in power is also a rebellion, that's not how these things work) is over. It's done. 20% casualties can render a unit or army combat ineffective. Suddenly, at the back of the room, some nameless character, a grizzled ground pounder sergeant, swallows his blaster and suck starts it, giving the Falcon a new paint job.

    From there, it turns into a Tarantino-style film filled with recrimination and regret, all taking place on the Falcon over a matter of hours until every single character is dead.

    Now that would be a Star Wars film I'd pay to see.

    ----------------------------------------------------The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood... Theodore RooseveltThe Scary DBAAuthor of: SQL Server 2017 Query Performance Tuning, 5th Edition and SQL Server Execution Plans, 3rd EditionProduct Evangelist for Red Gate Software

  • As to the last film. How long have they known that they could launch a ship into space warp or whatever they're calling it and destroy every single thing in it's path? Why wasn't this a common tactic. Throw a droid on a derelict and launch it at the enemy. Heck, purpose build a bunch of rails with a warp drive and throw them at the enemy. Not to mention, blast enemy installations with it. Death Star? No problem. Throw five or six of those rails at it. Done. Fixed it.

    Or, let's say they just figured it out. If they're not using it all over the place in the next movie, it's stupid. You just found one of the single most devastating weapons in the universe, but you're going to go back to star fighters? Nope. Space battles suddenly look like Jutland. No heavy concentrations of ships because of this new terror weapon. Everyone is scattered & isolated in a far flung cloud where you try to coordinate attacks of the fleet.

    Again, that would be a great movie done right. I'm anticipating more simulations of the Battle of Midway combined with Dam Busters, just with additional stupid.

    ----------------------------------------------------The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood... Theodore RooseveltThe Scary DBAAuthor of: SQL Server 2017 Query Performance Tuning, 5th Edition and SQL Server Execution Plans, 3rd EditionProduct Evangelist for Red Gate Software

  • Ed Wagner wrote:

    It depends heavily on the time of day you make the drive.  Going super-early (leave at 6:00 AM) in the day is best.

    This right here would be the problem...

    The wife already gets cranky when I try to get her moving before 9am to go somewhere that's a long (3+ hours) drive from home...

    As for the route suggestion, I can see how that would be a nicer drive despite being longer, seeing as pretty much everyone from the Metro Detroit area just hops on I-75 north and hits the cruise control...

    Might give it a try when we go.

  • wrote:

    Ed Wagner wrote:

    It depends heavily on the time of day you make the drive.  Going super-early (leave at 6:00 AM) in the day is best.

    This right here would be the problem...

    The wife already gets cranky when I try to get her moving before 9am to go somewhere that's a long (3+ hours) drive from home...

    As for the route suggestion, I can see how that would be a nicer drive despite being longer, seeing as pretty much everyone from the Metro Detroit area just hops on I-75 north and hits the cruise control...

    Might give it a try when we go.

    You hit the nail on the head with all of metro Detroit getting on I-75 to go north.  And they all do it after work.  It's misery.  The load from Grand Rapids going North is far less.

    An alternative on the timing is to go late at night, but then you arrive at 2:00 AM or later.  One selling point may be that if you go early, she can sleep on the way.

  • Well, I suspect most people are already starting their New Years Eve fun, after all, any Australian readers are either already in 2020 or have just a short bit to go...

    So if you've got fun plans to ring in the new year, enjoy!

    Me and the wife?  We're going to a shindig and snagged a hotel room nearby so we don't need to drive (or deal with the sort of people on the road after midnight,) and will be enjoying a burlesque show.

  • Happy New Year. 2020 looks promising, sofar SSIS started working again in VS2019

  • Enjoy the New Year all. Got a few friends coming over later, going to play a few games and drink the new year in. Just need to finish getting the Flat (Apartment) tidy-ish before they arrive. :/


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • Not me, back at work and getting some things done here today.

    Enjoy the holiday, and be safe. My daughter had surgery last week, so we're still helping her recover and no plans tonight. Not sure we'll see the NYC New Year. Certainly won't see CO.


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