• I have a database, with tables, views, indexed views , stored

    procedures, and the data in the database are used and manipulated by

    Reporting Services and VB.NET 2003,

    i started getting this error:

    INSERT failed because the following SET options have incorrect settings:


    I solved this problem by adding this to each sp that i was having these problem


    but since i have over 30 sps with the same issue , i ran this script




    and my problem is solved, my questions are:

    1. would this affect performance? 2. Is this good practice to change it in the database level? or should just put it in each sp? 3. I read that in sql server 2005 ARITHABORT is ON by default is that true?

    4. Is there a query i could run to see if a Database has the ARITHABORT setting ON or OFF? I would like to see how it is in the other databases.

    sorry for all the questions,:w00t: thanks in advance!

  • > 1. would this affect performance?

    No. It shouldn't.

    > 2. Is this good practice to change it in the database level? or should just put it in each sp?

    For the database-wide setting you should at least consider its effects - they are documented in Books Online (e.g.:,

    > 3. I read that in sql server 2005 ARITHABORT is ON by default is that true?

    Yes, it is.

    > 4. Is there a query i could run to see if a Database has the ARITHABORT setting ON or OFF? I would like to see how it is in the other databases.

    In SQL Server 2005:

    select [name]


    from sys.databases

    In SQL Server 2000:

    select [name]

    ,databasepropertyex([name], 'IsArithmeticAbortEnabled') as IsArithAbortOn

    from master..sysdatabases


    Matija Lah, SQL Server MVP

  • thank you!!!! exactly what i needed it. 😀

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