AS400 to SQL Server

  • I'm totally new using AS400 but I have to import some tables from an AS400 system to a SQL Server 2000 DB, any ideas on how can I accomplish this task?

    Thanks in advance.

  • Try generating text files or excel files out of the AS400 database and then use DTS to import the data in the files to SQL server tables.

    Hope this answers your question.


  • Rajesh,

    Thanks for your answer, I tried that but the text files came in a really bad format, even thought I exported them as tab delimmited, comma delimited and any other option I could find, also the AS400 do not export the column names.


  • We do this every day. Either of the following solutions can be 'packaged' to run as jobs on a regular schedule.

    With a remote/linked server connection defined using IBM CLient Access, we do selects from openquery(linkedservername, 'Select .... from AS400Catalog.AS400Library.AS400Table') against multiple AS400 DB2 tables.

    I have also used a 4-part server/db syntax, such as the following: Select datacolumns from AS400name.AS400Catalog.AS400Library.AS400Table.

    You use linked server name, AS400's base catalog (usually the AS400 server name for IP access), the library name where the DB tables reside, and the table name you want to use. You may have to use quoted identifiers depending upon your setup.

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