ASK SQLServerCentral

  • any body else having issues with the ASKSSC site?

    Won't let me log on, and it looks awful.....:(

  • Yep, it's pretty buggered now 🙁

    Looks like it's moving to OSQA, which seems to be the most shameless ripoff of any software product I've ever seen. (!)

    Atlantis Interactive - SQL Server Tools
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  • can't believe that ASK SSC wouldn't have met the minimum traffic requirements, or that Red Gate couldn't afford any subscription fees, or that we couldn't have competed against other SQL based SE sites!

    There must be other reasons - can you share them with us?

  • what site are you guys going to? seems to be jsut fine, but i did not find a site named


    --help us help you! If you post a question, make sure you include a CREATE TABLE... statement and INSERT INTO... statement into that table to give the volunteers here representative data. with your description of the problem, we can provide a tested, verifiable solution to your question! asking the question the right way gets you a tested answer the fastest way possible!


    But I'm not sure you'd appreciate the issues if you weren't on there regularly. Basically looks like it's moved from StackExchange to OSQA, and now logins don't seem to work :/

    Atlantis Interactive - SQL Server Tools
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    Why I wrote a sql query analyzer clone

  • OK- I'm just hoping now that someone at Red Gate has accidentally put live this test version of the OSQA version of ASKSSC.

    The data import used is out of date by about 2-3 hours.

    Non of the existing users can login.

    New users are signing up, but will probably be lost again.

    Badges earned in the SE version aren't recognised in the OSQA version ( I have 4 'Unknown' badges)

  • I think someone at OSQA might have seen my tweet - the 'temporary login' email now works, which it wasn't earlier (go to the 'having problems logging in' bit at the bottom), then, go to authentication settings, add your openID again, then remove your original one.

    Doesn't get over the fact that it's just not SE, though. And, it's enough of a pain in the backside to guarantee we lose about half of the casual users...

    Atlantis Interactive - SQL Server Tools
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    Why I wrote a sql query analyzer clone

  • I'll check and see, though I don't have a lot of hope something will be fixed today.

  • While you're at it, could you find out what the crack is with moderation now? Because I don't really know how it works, but as yet I can't find a way to list flagged posts...

    Atlantis Interactive - SQL Server Tools
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    Why I wrote a sql query analyzer clone

  • I'm completely out of the loop. Apparently my boss moved the site without letting us know, somehow thinking it would be seemless.

    There's a moderation thread up there now, and I'm trying to find out what happened and how we move forward.

  • FWIW, Kev, it wasn't the subscription fees for SO/SE, it was the threat of them closing us down. Joel & Jeff have taken VC money and started to push various commercial sites out, and despite what might be best for the "community", have decided that they ought to pick whether SQL questions belong on SO or SF or something else they create.

    Therefore we had to live with the threat of closure, or look for another platform. The OSQA guys had a nice port, have committed development resources, and are adding in some other features that we are interested in.

  • Steve,

    I knew there would be a reason, it's just a shame it wasn't communicated as well, or as soon as it could have been - but hey, lots of companies are like that!

    Just raring to go and ramp the site back up to what it was.........


  • It wasn't communicated to me either! This thread was the first that I and Phil Factor had heard of it.

    Supposedly something coming out today or tomorrow from the responsible parties.

  • Many apologies for the lack of warning about the move to OSQA. (I've posted this same message on the meta-ask thread.)

    On Friday afternoon I took the decision to switch the ASK.SSC site from StackExchange to OSQA.

    Prior to requesting the switch to go live over the weekend we’d been working with Rick Ross at OSQA

    to get a test version up (well Rick did all the work, we just supplied the data dump) and we then spent a

    couple of weeks looking it over and satisfying ourselves internally that it was a platform fit to host the site.

    What I then failed to do was open that test site out to you guys who are the lifeblood of the site and get your

    input and feedback about it before going ahead with the switch. I’m very sorry about that. It was, as Phil correctly

    divined, a sudden rush of blood to the head. If it’s any consolation, I got my just desserts yesterday when I

    had to spend my birthday in a house full of German football fans.

    The reasons why we think this is the right move for ASK.SSC are principally these:

    • When StackExchange announced their decision to change from a commercial licence model for SE

    to a community licence model it was made clear to us that we would not be able to continue with an ad-supported model for ASK.SSC. A later statement indicated that continuing as is on the SE v1.0 platform would depend on a decision at a later date on what would be deemed a sufficiently high traffic threshold.

    • We therefore looked at all of the Q&A platforms available and concluded that OSQA was the best option:

    o It is the most robust technically and has the widest adoption of the alternatives

    o It’s open source, which means that the option is there to host it ourselves on SSC if we should want to

    o Rick Ross and his team at OSQA have development resources in place to add features and extend the platform in response to user feedback and requests

    Long term our aim for ASK.SSC is that it should grow and be extended in directions that the users want. There are a lot of different ways that people like to obtain and share technical knowledge and ASK.SSC is one of them. That’s why we set it up last September and why we want to cultivate it so it delivers as much as it potentially can.

    Again, sorry for not involving you guys, the real gardeners on the site, before we switched the greenhouse. From now on I’ll know better.

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