Assigning categories to values 2

  • Nice follow up Hugo. I didn't over-think it today. πŸ˜‰

    A minor typo in the explanation.

    "... As soon as one evaluates to True, the corresponding ELSE is returned. ..."

    ELSE should be THEN in that sentence.


  • Good question, thanks.

    Hakim Ali

  • Nice question Hugo. I use a lot of case statements so these are always fun to navigate.

  • In the Explanation: "A CASE expression will always evaluate the WHEN clauses from top to bottom. As soon as one evaluates to True, the corresponding [ELSE] is returned."

    I think it should be the corresponding [THEN] not else, correct me if I am wrong.

    And many thanks to SSC editors who put those 2 nice questions back to back to get the most benefit out of it.


    Hany Helmy

  • I too lokked for the catch, didn't find one so submitted my answer.

    Thanks for the 2 points Hugo.

    (Well, some question setters do try to catch us out don't they?)

  • Dave62 (5/15/2013)

    A minor typo in the explanation.

    "... As soon as one evaluates to True, the corresponding ELSE is returned. ..."

    ELSE should be THEN in that sentence.


    hany.helmy (5/15/2013)

    In the Explanation: "A CASE expression will always evaluate the WHEN clauses from top to bottom. As soon as one evaluates to True, the corresponding [ELSE] is returned."

    I think it should be the corresponding [THEN] not else, correct me if I am wrong.

    You are both absolutely right. Sorry for that mistake. Unfortunately, I am unable to change the explanation. πŸ™

    Hugo Kornelis, SQL Server/Data Platform MVP (2006-2016)
    Visit my SQL Server blog:
    SQL Server Execution Plan Reference:

  • It was so simple that I suspected a trick. πŸ™‚

    Thanks, Hugo!

  • I suspected a question like this would be coming soon, so I practiced yesterday! 😎

  • I was also looking for the trick:)

    Regarding the aggregates & case evaluation:

    the CASE evaluation order is guaranteed for the SELECT phase. I think it helps to understand it when one thinks about the aggregation as a type of "subquery".

    Example: The following query throws an error because the aggregate "MIN(1/0)" cannot be calculated.

    DECLARE @i int = 1;


    FROM sys.objects

    This query is logically the same as the following query:

    DECLARE @i int = 1


    FROM (SELECT MIN(1/0) AggSub

    FROM sys.objects

    ) S

    I think that in this version, one can easier see when the error actually happens --> before the case evaluation starts. In the first version, the location of the aggregate function can mislead people to assume that this aggregate is only calculated during the evaluation of the CASE statement. But it is not. It is already performed before the CASE evaluation starts.

    And to provide an example with aggregates that shows that the evaluation order is honored, consider this one:

    DECLARE @i int = 1

    SELECT CASE WHEN @i = 1 THEN 1 ELSE MIN(1) / 0 END Agg

    FROM sys.objects

    In this example, there is no error in the aggregation phase, as MIN(1) produces no error.

    And there is no error in the SELECT phase, because the CASE evaluation stops right after the first WHEN (which is before the ELSE part which would cause an error).

    And for completeness, here is the version in Subquery format:

    DECLARE @i int = 1

    SELECT CASE WHEN @i = 1 THEN 1 ELSE AggSub / 0 END Agg

    FROM (SELECT MIN(1) AggSub

    FROM sys.objects

    ) S

    Best Regards,

    Chris BΓΌttner

  • Very positive knowledge acquired.

    Thanks Hugo!

  • Good hump day QotD thanks

    Hope this helps...

    Ford Fairlane
    Rock and Roll Detective

  • Thanks Hugo..learned something new...

  • Nice one Hugo..learned something....

  • I thought about this one too long but still got there. Nice!

    Not all gray hairs are Dinosaurs!

  • Another great question, thanks Hugo.

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