Attachment file types

  • Apologises if this is user error.

    I tried to attach a file to this post ( and had to rename it to .txt and then .xml for the site to accept the extension. The site didn't tell me until after I posted that the file type was rejected.

    Could one, or more, of the following be implemented?:

    a) The 'new post' area of the page/pages specifies the accepted, or blocked, file types

    b) If there are too many file types for option a) to be realistic then perhaps a note to say something like 'several files types including '.sqlplan' and '.txt' are blocked' as people will often try those?

    c) Notify the user that the extension is not acceptable when they select a file for attaching rather after they've submitted the post? It was only because I double checked my post, after submitting it, that I noticed the error message.

    I appreciate that there might be security reasons why some, or all, of these options are not possible.



  • I'll file a note to list allowed types. I think it's a short list, so this shouldn't be hard.

  • Thanks

  • Steve Jones - SSC Editor wrote:

    I'll file a note to list allowed types. I think it's a short list, so this shouldn't be hard.

    It also seems strange to me that a good number of the extensions related to SQL Server would be blocked on a site mostly dedicated to SQL Server.  I've not tried attaching a .txt file but, if those are blocked as well, that seems very odd to me.

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