attempting to recreate complex "multi-layer" Access queries in SSMS

  • Please excuse me if Im not usung the right terminology.

    I am a SQL Server newbie and have a basic understanding of TSQL. A few chapters into TSQL fundamentals.

    I am previously a heavy user of Access which is one data source I’m often pointing to in PowerPivot.

    To achieve desired complex values there are some instances/queries that I have which are split into parts, that is that I may have one query referring to the output of an initial/other query (by name), I think of it as 2-layered, sometimes its “3- layered”. Usually due toaggregate functions and other calculations. I’m not sure what to refer to this as.

    Issue: I want to sever myself from Access and of query designer and doing things this way, thus im trying to recreate certain Access queries in SSMS. There are straight forward queries and some with joins, but these complex “multi-layered” queries throw me. My question - how is this scenario done in SS? How would a developer achieve this? Is this stored procedure? Lots of joins? I’m a little lost here.

    As soon as you see something, you already start to intellectualize it. As soon as you intellectualize something, it is no longer what you saw. Suzuki-roshi

  • It might help if you paste one of this multi-layered queries from Access so we can see it.


  • So here’s an example. The query works - to derive the business logic I need for the result the query is referring to aggregations or results in two other queries. It may be a crude, but it works. I know there’s as better way, what I’d like to know how you approach queries like this, where you have to refer to other aggregations or results for the ultimate result? Is it just in parenthesis in the main query itself? So a very long query?

    SELECT tlkpCompany.companyName, tblCycleRanch.hoops, tblCycleRanch.ranchNumber, tbNHC.[00002], tbNHC.[30], tbNHC.[40], tbNHC.[60], Sum(qry_13winterPlant.qtyReceived) AS SumOfqtyReceived, ([30]+[40]+(0.6*[60]))/([SumOfqtyReceived]/[TotalAc]) AS crateHC, qry_strawRanchTotAc.SumOfacres AS TotalAC, tbNHC.Date

    FROM (((tlkpCompany INNER JOIN tblCycleRanch ON tlkpCompany.[companyNum] = tblCycleRanch.[companyNum]) INNER JOIN qry_13winterPlant ON tblCycleRanch.ranchNumber = qry_13winterPlant.ranchNumber) INNER JOIN qry_strawRanchTotAc ON tblCycleRanch.ranchNumber = qry_strawRanchTotAc.ranchNumber) INNER JOIN tbNHC ON tblCycleRanch.ranchNumber = tbNHC.ranchNumber

    GROUP BY tlkpCompany.companyName, tblCycleRanch.hoops, tblCycleRanch.ranchNumber, tbNHC.[00002], tbNHC.[30], tbNHC.[40], tbNHC.[60], ([30]+[40]+(0.6*[60]))/([SumOfqtyReceived]/[TotalAc]), qry_strawRanchTotAc.SumOfacres, tbNHC.Date;

    As soon as you see something, you already start to intellectualize it. As soon as you intellectualize something, it is no longer what you saw. Suzuki-roshi

  • Access lets you define a calculated column in a query and then use the calculated column name in other calculated columns. SQL Server will not allow this. In your calculation for [crateHC] you will have to replace [SumOfqtyReceived] with (SUM(qry_13winterPlant.qtyReceived)), and replace [TotalAC] with (qry_strawRanchTotAc.SumOfacres). And do the same where [SumOfqtyReceived] and [TotalAC] are used in the GROUP BY clause.

    Also, I hope (SUM(qry_13winterPlant.qtyReceived)) and (qry_strawRanchTotAc.SumOfacres) can never be zero since you are dividing by them.

    SELECT tlkpCompany.companyName

    , tblCycleRanch.hoops

    , tblCycleRanch.ranchNumber

    , tbNHC.[00002]

    , tbNHC.[30]

    , tbNHC.[40]

    , tbNHC.[60]

    , SUM(qry_13winterPlant.qtyReceived) AS SumOfqtyReceived

    , ( [30] + [40] + ( 0.6 * [60] ) ) / ( SUM(qry_13winterPlant.qtyReceived) / qry_strawRanchTotAc.SumOfacres ) AS crateHC

    , qry_strawRanchTotAc.SumOfacres AS TotalAC

    , tbNHC.Date

    FROM tlkpCompany

    INNER JOIN tblCycleRanch

    ON tlkpCompany.[companyNum] = tblCycleRanch.[companyNum]

    INNER JOIN qry_13winterPlant

    ON tblCycleRanch.ranchNumber = qry_13winterPlant.ranchNumber

    INNER JOIN qry_strawRanchTotAc

    ON tblCycleRanch.ranchNumber = qry_strawRanchTotAc.ranchNumber


    ON tblCycleRanch.ranchNumber = tbNHC.ranchNumber

    GROUP BY tlkpCompany.companyName

    , tblCycleRanch.hoops

    , tblCycleRanch.ranchNumber

    , tbNHC.[00002]

    , tbNHC.[30]

    , tbNHC.[40]

    , tbNHC.[60]

    , ( [30] + [40] + ( 0.6 * [60] ) ) / ( SUM(qry_13winterPlant.qtyReceived) / qry_strawRanchTotAc.SumOfacres )

    , qry_strawRanchTotAc.SumOfacres

    , tbNHC.Date ;

  • R. Brush (7/31/2013)

    Access lets you define a calculated column in a query and then use the calculated column name in other calculated columns. SQL Server will not allow this. ...

    Not in 7,2000, no. But it will in 2005 onwards.

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • I stand corrected...and pleased that the functionality does exist.


  • Like this:










    ([30]+[40]+(0.6*[60]))/(p.[SumOfqtyReceived]/x.[TotalAc]) AS crateHC,



    FROM tlkpCompany c

    INNER JOIN tblCycleRanch r ON c.[companyNum] = r.[companyNum]

    CROSS APPLY ( -- perform aggregate here instead of main query

    SELECT SumOfqtyReceived = Sum(p.qtyReceived)

    FROM qry_13winterPlant p

    WHERE r.ranchNumber = p.ranchNumber

    ) p

    CROSS APPLY ( -- just an example

    SELECT s.SumOfacres AS TotalAC

    ) x

    INNER JOIN qry_strawRanchTotAc s ON r.ranchNumber = s.ranchNumber

    INNER JOIN tbNHC ON r.ranchNumber = tbNHC.ranchNumber

    --GROUP BY

    -- c.companyName,

    -- r.hoops,

    -- r.ranchNumber,

    -- tbNHC.[00002],

    -- tbNHC.[30],

    -- tbNHC.[40],

    -- tbNHC.[60],

    -- ([30]+[40]+(0.6*[60]))/([SumOfqtyReceived]/[TotalAc]),

    -- s.SumOfacres,

    -- tbNHC.Date;

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • Just a clarificaton:

    An alias for a calcuated column can be used in GROUP BY or ORDER BY clauses, but not in the SELECT column list as vega805 was attempting (at least not with SQL Server 2008).


    WITH test

    AS (

    SELECT 1 AS ID, 10 AS [rate], 1 AS [Hours]


    SELECT 2, 12, 2


    SELECT 3, 10, 4


    SELECT 4, 11, 6


    Select [ID]

    , [Rate] * [Hours] AS [Amount]

    , [Amount] * (.15) as [Markup]

    FROM test

    Subsequently using the alias [Amount] to perform another calculation does generate an error in SQL Server 2008.

  • R. Brush (7/31/2013)

    Just a clarificaton:

    An alias for a calcuated column can be used in GROUP BY or ORDER BY clauses, but not in the SELECT column list as vega805 was attempting (at least not with SQL Server 2008).


    WITH test

    AS (

    SELECT 1 AS ID, 10 AS [rate], 1 AS [Hours]


    SELECT 2, 12, 2


    SELECT 3, 10, 4


    SELECT 4, 11, 6


    Select [ID]

    , [Rate] * [Hours] AS [Amount]

    , [Amount] * (.15) as [Markup]

    FROM test

    Subsequently using the alias [Amount] to perform another calculation does generate an error in SQL Server 2008.

    The syntax is slightly different and conversion from one SQL flavour to the other is trivial:

    WITH test AS (

    SELECT 1 AS ID, 10 AS [rate], 1 AS [Hours]


    SELECT 2, 12, 2


    SELECT 3, 10, 4


    SELECT 4, 11, 6



    , x.[Amount]

    , x.[Amount] * (.15) AS [Markup]

    FROM test

    CROSS APPLY (SELECT [Rate] * [Hours] AS [Amount]) x

    WITH test AS (

    SELECT 1 AS ID, 10 AS [rate], 1 AS [Hours]


    SELECT 2, 12, 2


    SELECT 3, 10, 4


    SELECT 4, 11, 6



    , x.[Amount]

    , y.[Markup]

    FROM test

    CROSS APPLY (SELECT [Rate] * [Hours] AS [Amount]) x

    CROSS APPLY (SELECT x.[Amount] * (.15) AS [Markup]) y

    ORDER BY y.[Markup] DESC

    CROSS APPLY without a table reference equates to calculate.

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • ChrisM@Work,

    I know how to do it. I didn't say it could not be accomplished some other way.

    My original post said that an alias cannot be referred to in a subsequent calculation like MS Access allows.

    You chose to take issue with that, indicating I was giving misinformation in regards to later versions of SQL Server.

    The fact alias cannot be referred to in a subsequent calculation in the same way that MS Access allows. Period.

    In the future, please don't say I'm wrong, if I'm not.

  • R. Brush (8/1/2013)


    I know how to do it. I didn't say it could not be accomplished some other way.

    My original post said that an alias cannot be referred to in a subsequent calculation like MS Access allows.

    You chose to take issue with that, indicating I was giving misinformation in regards to later versions of SQL Server.

    The fact alias cannot be referred to in a subsequent calculation in the same way that MS Access allows. Period.

    In the future, please don't say I'm wrong, if I'm not.

    ChrisM@Work (7/31/2013)

    R. Brush (7/31/2013)

    Access lets you define a calculated column in a query and then use the calculated column name in other calculated columns. SQL Server will not allow this. ...

    Not in 7,2000, no. But it will in 2005 onwards.

    CROSS APPLY lets you define a calculated column in a query and then use the calculated column name in other calculated columns.

    You probably mean to say "Access allows you to perform a calculation in the output set (SELECT list) and reference the result of the calculation elsewhere in the output set". I'm ok with that. The original statement, however, is misleading and incorrect.

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • ChrisM@Work,

    I meant it the exact way vega805 was trying to use it, which is the same way MS Access allows, and the exact way that SQL Server has never allowed.

    Have a great day!

  • R Brush and Chris M, thank you so very much for taking the time for this contribution. This is helpful. I mulled over much of the query yesterday to "see" it myself. Also introduces new clauses to me such as CROSS APPLY. So in ChrisM’s query, post 558, the CROSS APPLY part, is this equivalent to that calculated column concept? Could I also achieve this in a sub query? Purposely asking this for understanding. I sense a limitation - that I would not be able to “refer”, “point” or use the result the sub query calculates, CROSS APPLY will allow this. Ill also reference BOL, although at times the explanations are abstract for me.

    Thank you again.

    As soon as you see something, you already start to intellectualize it. As soon as you intellectualize something, it is no longer what you saw. Suzuki-roshi

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