Attracting the right candidate Development DBA vs Production DBA

  • Hi

    Our management team have finally decided that after 8 years without a DBA - and following that 6 months with a fully qualified and experienced DBA that DBAs are a good thing.

    Hooray ! I've been asked to spec up requirements for our 2nd DBA... But i'm not sure what to advertise the position as with regards to Job Title

    We run hundreds of web sites for project collaboration, each with a SQL server database supporting them. Most of the Databases are pretty small (<10GB) but suffer horrendously with performance issues, and we still have developers that are releasing code that is making things worse (bug fixes, new features etc)

    The position will not involve writing new code, so i'm hesitant to call it a development role- and there will be requirements to do daily checks, assist in release management etc etc - which looks like a production role..

    but the key part of this role will be to mentor developers, code review, find performance bottlenecks - identify timeouts etc etc , and above all keep the sites up and running as data volumes increase and our poor code base runs amok across all the new data we put in. - surely you need development experience (especially experince in cleaning up someone elses poor development)

    So the candidate must have extensive experience in performance tuning, and be able to explain to other people how things work and what best practice is.

    my question to you job hunters is - if you were applying for this, what would you expect it to be advertised as.

    development DBA? production DBA? or something else?

    Mike Vessey


  • Developer/DBA.

    "Keep Trying"

  • I'm a little less than a year into this whole DBA mess and I'm only a college intern, but titles that come to mind:

    DBA Liason to Development team

    DBA Development Coordinator

    But definately a Development DBA. And make sure to adverstise your small department and the large flexibility and responsibility that will come with that.


  • "DBA"

    then describe the duties and focus.

    You will be responsible for production monitoring as well as...

    Must have experience with performance tuning and be able to mentor developers.


  • One more thing to add to the conversation

    I'd love to call them "DBA" - however this is for one of our foreign offices (india) and i'm informed that the Job Title is very important in that culture.

    Any thoughts ? or am i missinformed


  • I checked with an Indian working here and he indicated that "Database Administrator" is the proper title and is commonly used in India.

    He indicated that the title is more important for middle managers, or as employees move up within the company.


  • usefull info steve.. thanks


  • This seems more like production database administrator to me. Keeping dbs up, tuning them, that's production work.

  • well - I kind of agree, but it's a difficult call.

    this is not a "coding" role - where you get to create new features, but a "consultancy" or "advisory" role - where the DBA is king and the developers listen, pay attention and tow the line.

    therefore the candidate would have to be an exceptional candidate in perf tuning - which can only be learnt by doing the dev work in the first place..

    if this were a uk role i would be looking at 10 year experience (of which 5 years at senior) and someone looking to become MVP - now attracting that kind of DBA to a smaller company requires some kind of thought (ok not that small - 50 developers, 4 system analysts and 4 software engineers)


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