Auditing Accessed Tables

  • I'm looking to run an audit of the tables that are accessed within a specific database. I'd like to do this using SQL Profiler. Essentially all I am looking for is any object that is accessed through a select statement. I've had this running before but lost the script I used to create it and can't figure it out from the profiler gui.

    I went to use the Object events, but then remembered that they do not work in 2000, I've done a search, but can't come across anything, does anyone have any ideas?


    Shamless self promotion - read my blog

  • Try this one and determine if it answers your question

    (copied from a previous post by some one whose name I am sorry to say I have forgotten to that person I apologize)

    SELECT, as 'Stored Procedure name' FROM sysobjects a 

     LEFT OUTER JOIN (sysobjects b left outer join sysdepends on = on sysdepends.depid = 

    WHERE a.xtype = 'u' AND b.xtype = 'p'AND NOT = 'dtproperties' 

     GROUP BY, "

     ORDER BY"

    If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something.


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  • Unfortunately the data is accessed by users running ad-hoc queries, so that won't help. Thanks anyhow.

    Shamless self promotion - read my blog

  • I think that I might have it, I am trapping the object:opened, object:closed, scan:started events and it seems to pull the data I need. It only returns the objectid, but that's not a problem as I will be importing the data into a db ultimately and can join against the sysobjects table for the table names when I do so.

    Shamless self promotion - read my blog

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