Auditing SQL logins via query

  • Hi,

    I need to identify what logins exist and what access they have to each database on the server.

    I have the code below which gives me everything except the database name.

    Does anyone have any suggestions as to how to get the DB name (sys.databases?) into the result set of this query?

    SELECT AS [UserName]

    , Principal.type_desc AS [UserType]

    , dbRole.Name AS [DatabaseRole]


    sys.database_principals Principal

    --Identify the members linked to DB roles:

    INNER JOIN sys.database_role_members RoleMember

    ON Principal.principal_id = RoleMember.member_principal_id

    --Get the name of role: Roles are in fact principals so we join back to the principal table to get role name.

    INNER JOIN sys.database_principals DbRole

    ON RoleMember.role_principal_id = DbRole.principal_id

    --Link to server principles

    INNER JOIN sys.server_principals ServerPrincipal

    ON Principal.SID = ServerPrincipal.SID

    All suggestions are welcome.


  • How about this?


    DB_NAME() as DatabaseName, AS [UserName]

    , Principal.type_desc AS [UserType]

    , dbRole.Name AS [DatabaseRole]


    sys.database_principals Principal

    --Identify the members linked to DB roles:

    INNER JOIN sys.database_role_members RoleMember

    ON Principal.principal_id = RoleMember.member_principal_id

    --Get the name of role: Roles are in fact principals so we join back to the principal table to get role name.

    INNER JOIN sys.database_principals DbRole

    ON RoleMember.role_principal_id = DbRole.principal_id

    --Link to server principles

    INNER JOIN sys.server_principals ServerPrincipal

    ON Principal.SID = ServerPrincipal.SID

  • My original post appears to be ambiguous.

    There are multiple databases on the server and I need the login and role for each database.

    I couldn't find a link between sys.server_principals and sys.databases to accomplish this.

    Apologies for the unclear post Lynn.


  • This isn't what you are looking for exactly but it is something that could point you in the right direction. Run it, modify it, what ever then report back what you get from it.

    create table #dbusers (

    DBName sysname not null,

    UserName sysname not null,

    PrincipalId int not null,

    PrincipalType char(1) not null,

    USid varbinary(85) null,

    DefaultSchemaName sysname null


    set nocount on;

    declare @SQLCmd varchar(max);

    select @SQLCmd = ISNULL(@SQLCmd, 'set nocount on;' + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10)) +

    'insert into #dbusers (DBName, UserName, PrincipalId, PrincipalType, USid, DefaultSchemaName) ' +

    'select ''' + + ''',, dp.principal_id, dp.type, dp.sid, dp.default_schema_name from [' +

    '' + + '].sys.database_principals dp ' +

    'left outer join [' + + '].sys.schemas sc on (dp.principal_id = sc.principal_id) ' +

    'where dp.type in (''S'',''G'',''U'') and not in (''INFORMATION_SCHEMA'',''dbo'',''guest'',''sys'') and sc.principal_id is null;' + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10)


    sys.databases db


    db.database_id > 4

    order by



    set @SQLCmd = @SQLCmd + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10) + 'SET NOCOUNT OFF;';

    set nocount off;

    -- print @SQLCmd;

    exec (@SQLCmd);




    #dbusers dbu

    left outer join sys.server_principals sp

    on (dbu.USid = sp.sid)


    1 = 1

    --not exists(Select 1 from sys.server_principals sp where = dbu.UserName)


    --not exists(Select 1 from sys.server_principals sp where sp.sid = dbu.USid)

    -- and sp.sid is null


    drop table #dbusers;

  • Hello,

    Apologies to necro the thread but I got distracted before I could respond to the thread.

    Thank you for the suggestions Lynn. However I just managed to confuse myself building a sql string to get my result; too many video games as child i guess 😀

    Thankfully someone built sp_MSForEachDB. It does appear to be unsupported by Microsoft but hopefully they don't get rid of it before I change careers 😉

    The following sql gave me what I needed; I hope it helps someone out there in a similar situations.

    CREATE TABLE #DbUserList(

    DatabaseName VARCHAR(100)

    , UserName VARCHAR(100)

    , UserType VARCHAR(100)

    , DatabaseRole VARCHAR(100)


    INSERT INTO #DbUserlist

    EXEC sp_MSForEachDB


    "?" AS DatabaseName

    , AS [UserName]

    , Principal.type_desc AS [UserType]

    , dbRole.Name AS [DatabaseRole]


    [?].sys.database_principals Principal

    INNER JOIN [?].sys.database_role_members RoleMember

    ON Principal.principal_id = RoleMember.member_principal_id

    INNER JOIN [?].sys.database_principals DbRole

    ON RoleMember.role_principal_id = DbRole.principal_id

    INNER JOIN [?].sys.server_principals ServerPrincipal

    ON Principal.SID = ServerPrincipal.SID'

    SELECT * FROM #DbUserlist

    DROP TABLE #DbUserlist

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