Authentication issue

  • When we try to connect to the database engine of one of our database backup servers through Windows Authentication using server name (Server has been designed for Mixed Authentication), we are receiving the following error message.

    “Login failed for user “. The user is not associated with a trusted SQL server connection. (Microsoft SQL server, error: 18452)”

     Also the following error is logged in application log.

    SSPI handshake failed with error code 0x8009030c while establishing a connection with integrated security; the connection has been closed. [CLIENT:]

    For more information, see Help and laceName w:st="on">SupportlaceName> laceType w:st="on">CenterlaceType> at”

     I am able to login using dot '.' using windows authentication.Only thing is we are not able to login using server name.

    Note: we are successfully able to connect to the database engine through SQL authentication.

  • something probably related to Server Principal Name registration. Normally comes up with Delegation, when you are trying to use your Windows account to connect through the second server to the third server.

    But you say that when you use a dot . then you connect fine. Dot is a Local Server which is not a Delegation case.

    Please specify where is the client, where is the server and what domains the account and the server belong to.


    Regards,Yelena Varsha

  • Right click at sql server registration --> go to Properties , In the Security tab (Choose Sql Server and Windows authentication mode) it will ask to restart sql server serivice. do it.

    Or else check sql installation instance name (servername\instance) -- register it accordingly.


  • As far as connection is concerned, we are remote connecting to the server thru mstsc. when we login to the server and try to connect to the database engine thru EM, we are recieving the error.

    'sql server and windows authentication' is already chosen when we right click the server and go to properties.


  • I am seeing the same problem as moosamca 

    Is there a solution to this problem?




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