Auto assign Column Data Types for Flat file Source Import

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item Auto assign Column Data Types for Flat file Source Import

  • As brilliant as simple. Thank you for sharing.

  • Simple, effective and well written. Good stuff.

    If you haven't even tried to resolve your issue, please don't expect the hard-working volunteers here to waste their time providing links to answers which you could easily have found yourself.

  • This is one of those great solutions that is both simple and innovative. You know you have something brilliant when you see it and say how did I not think of that.

  • Thank you, Daniel.  Very well written and an excellent solution.

  • Great article and something I never thought about doing. I think you might have shaved about 20 minutes off my average time to create a source from scratch.
    Thank you.

  • Huh, and all this time I've been using Derived Column Transformations, or relying on SQL Server to do the implicit conversion. Nice find, and well explained. 🙂


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • This is brilliant in its simplicity. No matter how much I learn about SSIS, it's always a pleasure to run across a gem like this. Thanks for sharing!

  • Thank you for this tip.  It will save me hours every month.

  • Since SSIS packages are just XML files, you can also generate an XML definition for the source from the metadata of the destination table, and either dynamically or with just cut-and-paste in Notepad, you can create a data source pretty easily that way.  I've done that before.  Even automated it for a solution that had to import hundreds of dynamic file formats.

    Property of The Thread

    "Nobody knows the age of the human race, but everyone agrees it's old enough to know better." - Anon

  • Very effective. Well Explained.

    Could you please help me with one step further, my requirement is as follows:

    The columns of source table have datatype as CHAR (DT_STR), so the source table EXTERNAL column datatype value is DT_STR. The requirement is to read the data from the source table as Unicode characters, so we need to manually change the OUTPUT COLUMN datatype values for all the columns as DT_WSTR (Unicode). Just for information, the target tables have the dataype as DT_WSTR (Unicode). Please advise if there is any easy way to do this?

  • Life Saver! Question: I create a master package with a variable value that determines source file names, path, target, etc. Is there a way that the initial dest to csv for auto datatype mapping can remain in the package, execute, and that the flow continues to the next piece? Meaning, can these two separate flows exist and execute consecutively or, do you have an easy way of calling another package?

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