Autogrow Notification by email

  • I have been delegated as the DBA at my work site and I am looking for a way to get notified when a Database autogrows. I would like it to send an email when database growth occours any suggestions on how to do this easily.

  • I know this can be detected from a trace but I don't think you can do it with DDL trigger.. Most DBA's I've worked don't monitor this, they monitor disk space and % changes in disk space, such as less than 10% free or a change by more than 5% in a day..

    Stuff like that..


  • Elliot is right normally you watch database size and available space and manually grow your files with autogrow as a backup. Since you are on 2005 you can query the Default Trace for this information and send out an email. The query would be something like this:









    sys.traces T CROSS Apply

    :: fn_trace_gettable(CASE WHEN CHARINDEX('_', T.[path]) 0

    THEN SUBSTRING(T.PATH, 1, CHARINDEX('_', T.[path]) - 1) + '.trc'

    ELSE T.[path]

    End, T.max_files) I JOIN

    sys.trace_events AS TE ON I.EventClass = TE.trace_event_id


    T.is_default = 1 AND -- limit to default trace

    TE.NAME Like '%auto grow%' -- willl get Log and Data

    Remember that the Default Trace consists of up to 5 20MB files that roll over so the time range available is dependent on the load on the server

    Jack Corbett
    Consultant - Straight Path Solutions
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  • Thanks this is exactly what I needed. The so called SQL expert at my site was supposed to be doing this but failed to do so and cried to my boss that the server is running out of space. went through and shrunk the log file on 1 database from 300 GB down to 1 MB.yes thats GIG. So Know im supposed to be in charge of watching the size of these databases. This should help me keep an Eye on the data base in question and see why it is growing so massive. Thank again.

  • JUst remember there is a reason it grew. You need to determine why. Are there regular log backups being done on this database? If not, you need to determine if there should be or the database should be set to the SIMPLE recovery model.

    Jack Corbett
    Consultant - Straight Path Solutions
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