Automate showcontig and defragment objects

  • I have a database with over 900 tables. I want to monitor and defragment all the tables and index if necessary. I want to have the process in a scheduled job, run every Sunday.

    To do this I am planning to code a stored procedure, which runs DBCC SHOWCONTIG, saves the result in a table, scan the result table for Scan Desity, rebuild index wher Scan Density  <80%.

    The first problem is how to save dbcc showcontig result into a table. In Query Analyzer, this DBCC result is in the Message page, not in Result Grid page, therefore "insert into result_table exec .." does not work.

    The next question is on the best way to rebuld a fragmented table having no clustered index. One can drop and create the table, or create a clustered index and then drop it. Which is better ?



  • While your idea is valid, I think you might not be considering the *big* picture.

    Read the following article, this is good info:

    There are two statements he makes that you may want to consider when doing your index analysis:

  • Be more concerned with large tables/indexes with low scan densities or large drops in average page density than smaller tables/indexes. It takes more page splits to bring the percentages down on a larger index. Remember we're trying to reduce the page splits! A very large index that drops only 2 percent in scan density probably experienced more page splits than a small index that dropped 30 percent in scan density.

  • Pay attention to more than just the scan density and average page density results from the SHOWCONTIG. There is a lot of relevant information here.
  • Although you have 900 tables in your database, I doubt every one of those tables has to be monitored so closely.  In fact I would venture to say that you can list your most highly used on a piece of paper.  As a database administrator, you should be very aware of your "problematic" or highly used tables.  Once you understand your tables you can build them to fulfill your needs.

  • While Dan's comments are quite legitimate, you can use the WITH TABLERESULTS option on the DBCC SHOWCONTIG command to return the results in a table format. This make it easy to store the results in a table and analyze what you will.


    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

  • Thank you Phil, I learned something today

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