Automate stored procedure creation

  • I have a Test database which is overwritten each week by a fresh new production copy.

    But we have changes in our Test environment which I script back in manually each Monday morning.

    Is there a way to schedule script code to run which can generate these stored procedures etc. for me in case I'm away ?

    The Job scheduler in SQL Server can import a SQL script, but it's not dynamic.

    I need something that I can use so that at run time it will pick up the latest script changes and generate the objects.

  • sys.sql_modules should be helpful in getting the current definitions from the database. Using this system table you can extract the procedure's current definitions to compare them to wherever you keep your definitions and generate what's needed to put the correct versions back in.

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    If you don't have time to do it right, when will you have time to do it over?

  • Do you have the database code in source control? Do you have any kind of build server (msbuild, jenkins, ...)? If both are ture you should be able to create a build process that you can schedule to run after the restore happens.

    Jack Corbett
    Consultant - Straight Path Solutions
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  • Obtianing the script for creating the stored procedures is not the problem creating stored procedures unattended is.

  • I have the code in an SQL file.

    We don't use source safe for SQL and do not have a build server.

  • Create an Agent Job to execute a script containing the object definitions each day. Alternatively, run a windows batch file to execute the creation scripts.

  • you could do something like this:

    a combination of the ccommandline type command and xp_cmdshell, you can ge tthe file contents of your *.sql files and execute them.

    I just built this prototype, which assumes a single file, but it could use xp_cmdnshell to list all *.sql files in a specific folder,and do each file.

    declare @TheCommand varchar(max)

    --i KNOW where this specific file is on the server


    --table to capture results

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb.[dbo].[#Results]') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE [dbo].[#Results]

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[#Results] (

    [ResultsID] INT IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,

    [ResultsText] VARCHAR(max) NULL)

    --use the TYPE command to echo out the flat file contents, and get it into my table

    insert into #Results (ResultsText)

    exec master..xp_cmdshell 'type C:\_VMShared\sp_dbspaceused.sql'

    --lets review what's really in it

    SELECT * FROM #Results WHERE ResultsText IS NOT NULL ORDER BY ResultsID

    --get this multi row data into a single variable so i can execute it!

    SELECT @TheCommand = s.Colzs


    Colzs = STUFF((SELECT ' ' + CONVERT(varchar,ResultsText )

    FROM #Results

    ORDER BY ResultsID

    FOR XML PATH('')


    ) s

    select @TheCommand



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  • You could use snapshot replication and just snap the data, not the stored procs...

    Specify Article Types (Replication Transact-SQL Programming)

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