Automatically change LOWER to UPPER

  • All,

    I have to convert lower case letters into upper case automatically. I dont want to force the user to enter UPPER case. whatever they enter simply i need to convert into UPPER and then need to insert into the corresponding table.

    Initially i have created one CHECK constraint which will force the user to enter UPPER case only. But the requirement is to change the lower case into UPPER automaticaly, I used trigger.

    create table t1


    eno char(2)


    drop trigger i_t1


    create trigger i_t1

    on t1

    for insert


    update t1

    set eno = upper(inserted.eno)

    from inserted

    where t1.eno = inserted.eno

    insert into t1 values ('aa')

    insert into t1 values ('bb')

    insert into t1 values ('cc')

    insert into t1 values ('dd')

    Any suggestions about my code? any other work around is always welcome!


  • Why not do this client-side? It's formatting, after all.

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

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  • If it has to be done server-side then I would go with the trigger approach as well but remember to handle updates to the column as well if necessary.

  • HI,

    Before inserting into the table you just made the data to upper then insert,

    It’s so simple than trigger.


  • Why not use a computed column:

    create table #t1


    eno char(2)

    ,enoUpper as Upper(eno)



  • I would do it with an instead of trigger and not with a trigger.


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  • Change the insert statement to something like INSERT table UPPER(string). we do this in many of the apps we support.

  • If you had enforced stored procedures for table access, then you could do it there.

    [font="Times New Roman"]-- RBarryYoung[/font], [font="Times New Roman"] (302)375-0451[/font] blog:, Twitter: @RBarryYoung[font="Arial Black"]
    Proactive Performance Solutions, Inc.
    [font="Verdana"] "Performance is our middle name."[/font]

  • RBarryYoung (3/29/2009)

    If you had enforced stored procedures for table access, then you could do it there.

    That's a good point, and is pretty much our philosphy for a variety of reasons ranging from better security to less bandwidth usage across our WAN. It's also much easier to change a single stored procedure on one server than it is to distribute a new executable to 500 desktops. In our environment, a new executable can take months to get through all of the testing and layering process, so we tend to make the client as thin as possible, and put all of the logic in the database.

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