Automating log restores

  • Bear with me but this scripting thing is new to me. We use SQL LightSpeed for backups. I'm trying to automate a reload of our daily log dumps. We backup the logs every 30 minutes. Every 15 minutes after the 1/2 hour, I want to replay the log to a warm standby server. I'm trying to create a procedure to handle this as follows:


    Declare @CYCLE as int

    select @CYCLE = CYCLE from CC_LOG_CYCLE

    if @CYCLE < 42

     EXEC master.dbo.xp_restore_log  

            @database = 'PRODUCTION'

          , @filename = '\\wdbackup\dumps\WDENT2\logs\tranw_lite.bak'

          , @filenumber =  @CYCLE

          , @with='NORECOVERY'

     update CC_LOG_CYCLE set CYCLE = CYCLE + 1


     EXEC master.dbo.xp_restore_log  

            @database = 'PRODUCTION'

          , @filename = '\\wdbackup\dumps\WDENT2\logs\tranw_lite.bak'

          , @filenumber =  @CYCLE

     update CC_LOG_CYCLE set CYCLE = 1

    My problem is, this will not compile. Any thoughts on what I'm doing wrong? TIA


  • There is a problem with your IF statement, you need to add BEGIN and END for the IF to work...try this....

    Declare @CYCLE as int

    select @CYCLE = CYCLE from CC_LOG_CYCLE

    if @CYCLE < 42


       EXEC master.dbo.xp_restore_log  

             @database = 'PRODUCTION'

           , @filename = '\\wdbackup\dumps\WDENT2\logs\tranw_lite.bak'

           , @filenumber =  @CYCLE

           , @with='NORECOVERY'

       update CC_LOG_CYCLE set CYCLE = CYCLE + 1




       EXEC master.dbo.xp_restore_log  

             @database = 'PRODUCTION'

           , @filename = '\\wdbackup\dumps\WDENT2\logs\tranw_lite.bak'

           , @filenumber =  @CYCLE

       update CC_LOG_CYCLE set CYCLE = 1


    Shamless self promotion - read my blog

  • Hi

    We take a full backup of our DB everynight at 1am (database size is approx 400gb)

    We then take a log backup using litesped every 4 mins for the next 23 hours.

    [300+ log backups per day]

    I need to write a script to restore the logs in order upto a certain point.

    Anyone have somthing already written?

    Apreciate your help if you have somthing.



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