Automating SQL Server Health Check (SQL Server 2005)

  • nplace6530 (2/2/2010)

    Hi All

    I was also a little concerned about turning on cmdshell so I have made the following changes to the original script which shows backup file data but does not use cmdshell.


    CREATE TABLE #dirpaths


    files VARCHAR(2000)



    CREATE TABLE #dirpaths


    files nvarchar(2000),

    Depth int,

    IsFile bit


    And replace:

    SELECT @STR = 'EXEC master.dbo.xp_cmdshell ''dir "' + @URL +'" /B/O:D'''

    INSERT #dirpaths SELECT 'PATH: ' + @URL


    select @STR = 'EXEC Master.dbo.xp_DirTree "' + @URL + '",1,1'

    INSERT #dirpaths SELECT 'PATH: ' + @URL, 1, 1

    This replaces the "EXEC master.dbo.xp_cmdshell" command with the undocumented "EXEC Master.dbo.xp_DirTree" command.

    No need to switch on the potentially dangerous xp_cmdshell option.

    First off, thanks for the code. It is amazing and it will help me greatly if i resolve this issue.

    The code was working fine but for security reasons I needed to turnoff xp_cmdshell on production environment. Then I tried the work around above and I replaced both segments of the code but i couldnt get it working to return the Physical Backup Files . However when I only commented out SELECT @STR = 'EXEC master.dbo.xp_cmdshell ''dir "' + @URL +'" /B/O:D''' and it just work fine. Was it supposed to work eventhough i commented out this part of the code? I checked again and xp_cmdshell is still turned off. Can I then assume it is safe and continue using it on production environment safely?

    Please help.


  • @ritesh-2,

    @arr.nagaraj i will work on CPU thing

    CPU used by SQL Server can be found from sys.dm_os_ring_buffers.


  • @raj thats excellent and thank you so much for posting on this article 🙂

  • @ritesh-2,

    Welcome 🙂

  • Hi all,

    just a quick hint concerning the change of the proc using xp_dirtree instead of xp_cmdshell.

    You have to modify the string

    INSERT #dirpaths values('')


    INSERT #dirpaths values('','','')

    Otherwise you get an error when inserting the blank row into #dirpaths (got it by myself on a SQL 2008)



    May you never suffer the sentiment of spending a day without any purpose.
    @DirkHondong on Twitter

  • Is there a SQL2000 version of this SP?


  • Hello,

    I'm not a expert but there something tricky because I didn't get the right execution time for jobs.

    First I replaced "INSERT #jobs_status EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_help_job" by

    "select sj.job_id,, as Category, sj.Enabled, sjs.last_run_outcome,

    (select max(run_date) from sysjobhistory sjh where sjh.job_id = sj.job_id) as last_run_date

    into #jobs_status

    from sysjobs sj

    join syscategories sc

    on sj.category_id = sc.category_id

    join msdb.dbo.sysjobservers sjs

    on sjs.job_id = sj.job_id "

    It works but I thing there are a problem with this part of script :

    "Datediff(mi, A.last_executed_step_date, A.stop_execution_date) execution_time_minutes"

    Why did you use "last_executed_step_date" and not "start_execution_date" to calculate the execution time of job.

    I executed this script to check I get a different result but when I compared with the history of jobs I got the right result :





    datediff(mi, A.start_execution_date, A.stop_execution_date) execution_time_minutes

    from msdb..sysjobactivity A

    Could you help me ?

  • Find it useful. Many Thanks!


  • Has there been a fix for the error below?

    Warning: Null value is eliminated by an aggregate or other SET operation. [SQLSTATE 01003] (Message 8153) Arithmetic overflow error converting int to data type numeric. [SQLSTATE 22003] (Error 8115). The step failed.

  • I have to take a look on monday when I´m back in office.

    Also had the error in the beginning. Just changed a variable or column of a temp table since it was too small.

    That fixed it for me.

    Cannot remember right now where the problem exactly was

    May you never suffer the sentiment of spending a day without any purpose.
    @DirkHondong on Twitter

  • How can i declared a variable at the beginning of the stored procedure, @TableHTML ?

  • Sorry Christopher,

    I completely forgot to look after the modification to get rid of the overflow error.

    The only difference I have found is in line 330 (depending on your editor of choice).

    It's the select ...

    from sys.databases MST

    inner join (select [LOG_DBNAME],

    CONVERT(DECIMAL(10,2), sum....

    Here I have a DECIMAL(20,2).

    Afterwards the script worked fine for me.

    christopher.jones 39322 (11/18/2011)

    Has there been a fix for the error below?

    Warning: Null value is eliminated by an aggregate or other SET operation. [SQLSTATE 01003] (Message 8153) Arithmetic overflow error converting int to data type numeric. [SQLSTATE 22003] (Error 8115). The step failed.

    May you never suffer the sentiment of spending a day without any purpose.
    @DirkHondong on Twitter

  • What exactly do you need or in which part of the sproc do you want to declare an additional variable?

    alnawrass2002 (4/8/2012)

    How can i declared a variable at the beginning of the stored procedure, @TableHTML ?

    May you never suffer the sentiment of spending a day without any purpose.
    @DirkHondong on Twitter

  • Dirk.Hondong (4/10/2012)

    What exactly do you need or in which part of the sproc do you want to declare an additional variable?

    alnawrass2002 (4/8/2012)

    How can i declared a variable at the beginning of the stored procedure, @TableHTML ?

    Its mentioned in the article: " I have declared a variable at the beginning of the stored procedure, @TableHTML, which gets built and then executed at the end before it sends an e-mail".

    What the code the declare the same?


  • Where is the .sql File. Also, i do not see SP code for TableHTML

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