Average of all valued Rows in a column

  • I am pulling the average uptime of router for my company. I built a query to give me something like this:

    name IP avg of availability

    node 1 x.x.x.x 100

    node 2 x.x.x.x 99

    node 3 x.x.x.x 98

    node 4 x.x.x.x 100

    Now, I need to average the above numbers to get a single value, but it is not practical to use

    (100+99+98+100)/4 because there are hundreds of them.

    So, how do I get an average of the results of an average?

  • First I'd drop this in the T-SQL discussion (moved).

    Second, are you getting the average like this?

    select ip, avg(time)

    from mytable

    group by ip

    If so, you can wrap that.

    select avg(a.ipavg)


    ( select b.ip, avg(b.time) as ipavg

    from mytable b

    group by ip

    ) a

  • Thank you SO much. It worked I think. Here is my Query.

    select avg(a.availability) AS 'Average of Availabilty'


    ( select avg(b.availability) as Availability

    from nodes n INNER JOIN Responsetime b on (n.nodeID = b.nodeID)

    WHERE n.region LIKE 'region b'

    group by n.caption

    ) a

    Here is my Result: 99.3430829881605

    Now, I can't add any extra columns though. Btw, the column I need to add is in a different table.

  • Using windowed aggregates (using the OVER clause) avoid the messy join-back stuff:

    SELECT n.caption, AVG(b.availability) AS Availability, AVG(AVG(b.availability)) OVER () AS 'Average of Availability'

    FROM nodes n INNER JOIN

    Responsetime b ON n.nodeID = b.nodeID

    WHERE n.region = 'region b'

    GROUP BY n.caption


    Eddie Wuerch
    MCM: SQL

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