avoiding orphans in model that allows pending consolidation

  • I am designing a database for a web app which needs to store user profiles.

    However I need to be able to consolidate these profiles when they meet criteria to define as the same actual user.

    So, in the profile table I might have a user row for a facebook user, a twitter user and a email user.

    Only later do I realize, when they update a profile with an email address, that all three profiles belong to the same user.

    So I need to associate them at a higher level level but this higher level might not exist so I effectively have orphans until consolidation... This seems very ugly and makes queries tricky.

    Is there a better way to do this?

    Thanks for all help,



  • Sample of schema you have? Some data for representing a query which you don't like? What you would like instead?

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  • decided to go with sparse vertical partitions.

    updating pk/fk column of left tables to point to correct user stub table pk.

    thanks anyway


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