Away From SQL

  • I like to repair bicycles.  In the spring, when my coworkers are starting to think about summer riding, I'll have 1 or 2 bikes to work on in my garage every weekend.  This winter I'm building my first set of wheels from scratch. 

    I also enjoy vegetable gardening and playing with my kids.



  • I used to scuba dive. Now I kayak, ride a 'bent, golf, or just relax reading.

    For those of you who don't know.... a 'bent is the short name for a Recumbent bicycle. They are awesome and much better on the back.


  • Teaching my eight year old to play golf. Playing a bit of golf myself. Enjoying the nineteenth hole, no matter where it is.

    Gym, squash and rugby (just a spectator these days)

    Reading, but this usually means I stay up too late. Still, you get to catch up on the sleep when you die so ...

    Getting together friends and talking about anything and everything. Thats right up there.



    Life without beer is no life at all

    All beer is good, some beers are just better than others

  • Weapon speeds were just... broken. Broken especially if you were playing with cumulative init. Speed is only one of the factors that need to be considered. For instance, the wielder of a two-handed sword had a significant reach advantage over the guy with a dagger. However, weapon speeds would make the dagger the more favorable weapon to use, especially if cum. init was taken into account. You could get 3 to 4 swings in with a dagger for every single swing with a two-handed sword. Better just to keep everything abstracted.

    And yes, I munchkin'ed with magical daggers when playing rogues. But then again, that whole campaign was munchkin'ed.

    K. Brian Kelley

  • Used to play rugby myself in college. One torn shoulder later I just watch my 7 year old in flag football. Looking forward to him hitting people next year.

    Living in Denver, I guess I should mention that Thur afternoons watching baseball as well as a few Nuggets, Avalanche, and Broncos games are a great way to spend an afternoon.

  • My 6 year-old is chomping at the bit to turn 7 and play football in the league here. He didn't like soccer because he couldn't tackle anyone. He's slight of build so I'm not looking forward to him starting to play.

    K. Brian Kelley

  • Playing the theremin.

    I got a professional Moog theremin to help get music back into my life and am now totally obsessed with it. Not only is it the only musical instrument you play without touching anything, the concentration required to play it really puts me into a different "space", since you really *are* the note you are playing any outside thoughts of work or dinner affect you and throw off your pitch. It totally clears my head of work poo.  It's also opened me up to alot of other thereminists, there's not a lot of us like guitar players but more than you'd expect.

    Skål - jh

  • heh said "poo".

    That's a cool instrument, though.

    Signature is NULL

  •  "It totally clears my head of work poo."

    I thought it was some sort of conditioner... though odd one would shampoo at work but hey ....

    heh I said poo 2

  • Photography - I was an enthusiastic amateur photographer from age 17 to about 30, when marriage, buying our first house, and starting to raise a family brought other priorities.

    I just got back into photography around late 2001, shortly before I turned 52.

    I started with film and old metal, mechanical cameras, but soon was seduced by the Digital Dark Side, and I haven't looked back since.

    For anyone who wants to take a look, I keep a photoblog at

    and try to add to it at least once a week.

    -- SteveR

  • When I'm not working, I'm probably gaming in World of Warcraft.  My husband and I have been computer gamers for over a decade now and are hooked by WoW. 

    If I'm not gaming, my other hobbies include crocheting (just picked that up this past March - and I'm having a hard time setting down my crochet needle) and baking (especially playing with cookie recipes). 

  • Away from SQL, I'm managing a household with 3-5 adults, 9 chihuahuas ( and a Timneh African Gray parrot (  Other than that I am involved with various social and political organizations.

  • City of Heroes Pinnicle Server FTW !

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