AWE Enable - Problems :((

  • So if each instance gets a private virtual 3 GB why not configure the 4 instances like this?


    Instance 1 - 4 GB

    Instance 2 - 4 GB

    Instance 3 - 3 GB

    Instance 4 - 3 GB



  • @Noel

    Probably because he only has 7Gb in the machine. You need around 1Gb for the OS and therefore you are left with 6Gb for the instances. When I count all your amounts you come to 12Gb. Problem then is that you are swapping memory which is allocated to SQL Server. One of the not done things is swapping memory for SQL Server. The performance goes dramatically down when you have that.

    So what should be done:

    Something like the topic starter had configured in his startpost.


    You should keep memory free for your OS. 1Gb should be fine. So if you configured a total of 4Gb and 3Gb, you have got too little left for your OS.

    You should think of:

    1. instance: 2Gb
    2. instance: 2Gb
    3. instance: 1Gb
    4. instance: 1Gb

    Do you still need the /3Gb switch then? I think not.

    Do you still need the /PAE switch then? I think not.

    Should you still need the AWE option set in SQL Server? I think not.

    Greetings Gé

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