AWS to Rackspace...

  • AWS has it's own domain, but Rackspace does not. Even still - I am trying to get Transnational Replication to work with a mix of SQL Authentication and agent services, but to no avail. Since I do not have a way to use Windows Authentication from Publisher, to Distributor to Subscriber - am I just wasting my time here, or is it possible to get this to work from AWS with Rackspace?

    Many thanks...

  • For better clarity of the topology...

  • Well - I will close this posting now by reporting to you all that it is completely possible to set this up, and here are some observations that I made during this project that might help you out if you encounter the need to set this up, or manage an existing setup...

    - Must use a SQL Authentication account for various pieces in the setup (I used SA, but you might investigate a lessor set of permissions to use if that will not work in your environment for PROD release).

    - Firewalls between AWS and Rackspace caused a lot of issues. What was thought to be open for TCP port 1433 was not the case, and we struggled to get this resolved in a timely fashion (it centered mostly on the AWS configuration having been setup as a private network and not a public network).

    Those were the 2 main pieces that really hung us up initially. I also looked into various other pieces, but those observations would probably be more specific to our environment (namely that of how the SQL Engine and Agent services were logging in for both environments, the level of permissions that were acceptable to use for the SQL Authentication account that was used for most of the configuration, and also how the failover scenarios for DR would work (which includes an Asynchronous mirror pair in my top layer).

    I am more than happy to expand on these things for anyone who would like to ask any specific or further.


  • P.S. By 'SA' I mean a sysadmin level account. Not the actual 'sa' user for the SQL Authentication.

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