backing up jobs

  • Sorry - this is a simple one!  Please could someone tell be how you back up scheduled tasks, and how do you copy them from one server to another?



  • Tasks are stored in the system database msdb. I'm not sure how you would transfer them from one server to another other than by restoring msdb to the other server (which you might not want to do).

    Just remembered - you should stop the agent service when restoring msdb.

  • backing up sheduled tasks is done by backing up the msdb database as allen suggested

    moving these jobs is a nightmare!! it all depends on what the jobs are.


  • Answers above are correct unless Helen is asking about Scheduled Tasks. I too would like to know how to move Scheduled Tasks from Server to Server including schedules and executables it is pointing to. And I mean Windows Scheduled Tasks under C:\Windows\Tasks

    Regards,Yelena Varsha

  • If you are talking about actual jobs in SQL Server 2005, you can migrate jobs from server to server using Integration Services.

  • You can also backup and move jobs by generating a SQL script after they have been created. Of course, to successfully recreate them on a different server by running the SQL script, the same variables have to be in place.

  • Yep as stated, backup MSDB when you change jobs/maintenance plans etc.

    If you want to move SQL Server 2000 Jobs related to a maintenance plan, I would recomend re-creating the maintenance plan on the new machine as the interal identifiiers of the maintenance plan would change.

    If you want to move a SQL Server 2000 job that is one you created, for example, to copy over and restore a backup file, then just right-click on the job and use generate SQL Script, save the file, and run the script in master or msdb on the new server.  Very easy and works very well.  I have even used this technique to write code that will add steps to existing jobs by canibalizing the code.


    Good luck

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