
  • Team,my backup job have failed stating this error

    SQL Backup failed with exit code: 505 SQL error code: 0 [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 50000). The step failed.

  • dba_neo (1/21/2010)

    Team,my backup job have failed stating this error

    SQL Backup failed with exit code: 505 SQL error code: 0 [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 50000). The step failed.

    Seems this msg is not coming from the SQL Server engine!!! Are you using third party application for BCK!?


  • yes,iam using redgate tools

  • Found on Redgates' site via Google:

    505 -

    No SQL Backup file name entered.

    Check that the length of the path name does not exceed the number of characters for your operating system.

    If you are backing up directly to a network share (not recommended), ensure the network share already exists, and that the startup user for

    the SQL Backup Agent Service has full permissions for the network share (see Using SQL Backup to back up to a network share).

    To check the SQL Backup Agent Service permissions, run the following command:

    execute master..sqbutility 999, 'RWE', '\\testsrv\backup'

    If the agent has read (R), write (W), and execute (E) permissions, the command returns 1; 0 indicates failure.

  • when i execute the command i got the result as the remote share folder cant be accessed,i have specified the sharing permissions for the folder correctly,even it was not accessed.I have followed the steps specified by redgate in the article how to take backup to a network share,but of no use.

  • Please provide The sql statement that Redgate generates for the backup plan.

    Are you using the gui, or just scripting it out manually?

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
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  • Hi team,

    BackupMedium::ReportIoError: write failure on backup device 'SQLBACKUP_3A007C8D-A295-4850-AB44-4D03AE9E1614'. Operating system error 995(The I/O operation has been aborted because of either a thread exit or an application request.).

    i got this statement in error log for backup databases

  • Okay, gut feeling, network glitch or a permissions issue on the network share you are attempting to write the backup file.

    Please go check the Redgate site for their error messages. That would be a good place to start. they may also have a forum where you can ask questions and you may get better answers there as this is their product.

  • May be a permission issue. Check the permissions of the service accounts of sql server. If you are running the backup in a job, make sure that the account under which SQL Server Agent is running must have access to the share location.

  • HI,

    how to check weather agent has the right to access the share folder permissions

  • 1.Remote logon to your SQL Server box

    2.Start > Programs > Administrative Tools > Services

    3. Look for the service "SQL Server Agent (MSSQLSERVER)"

    4. Right click the service and select "Log on" tab. There you will see the account used to run the service.

    If you are using different account for SQL Server Service "SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER)", it should also have access to the location.

  • how can i check tht this account can access that network folder?

  • Are you the sys admin of the server you where you are trying to put the backup files? If not, talk to that person.

  • Take a look at this article:

    Jeffrey Williams
    Problems are opportunities brilliantly disguised as insurmountable obstacles.

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  • If you have sys admin rights, you should be knowing the physical location of the folder at the server. Just go to the server, right the folder and select the Security option. There you will see all the account that have access to the folder. If the server account is missing, add it and give full right.

    If you are not sys admin, contact who so ever handles the server and ask him the same question.

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