Backup and Restore on different systems.

  • I hope this isn't a double post.

    I thought in the past that I performed a backup on one system, then created a blank database in another and restored the backup. For some reason I can't make a restore choose from a file location.  Is this not possible.

    Is there a better way to transfer DBs between to systems that don't communicate with each other??






  • put your backup on a cd and load that cd on the new system.  At restore, you could point it to the cd.



  • In my experience, the file you're restoring FROM has to be on the same server as the database you're restoring.  SQL restore only "sees" what is on its own box.

    Connecticut, USA

  • You can map the drive where the file you want to restore is (on another box) to the server that is running Enterprise Mgr and restore from that.  Just hope your network people don't catch you.

  • Hi,

    i would like to Share my experience with this issue.i suppose u are creating a database( a Blank Database as u mentioned) shuld have identical database name that of one ur trying to restore. and u can check the force restore option in the process.

    i recommand its eazy to go with DTS option than restortion.If ur want restored database to  have a Different name than the backuped database. there's an tricy soloution .

    select the backup file for restortion and while restoreing the DB change the u path of data_file and Log_file to ur present database.Please Note in this process database Label remain's the same has Old Database.u can check the force restore option in the process.

    Try it , it will give u Good Result.





  • All,

    Thanks for the reponses. As figured, I was simply overlooking the solution. I didn't explore restore from devices enough. I had it in my head that it was for Tape Drives only.





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