Backup database and move

  • Sorry I meant to add this to the 2005 forum, but I can't figure out how to remove.

    I'm trying to deal with a server space limitation that requires me to perform a backup and move it off the server immediately after. So I've written a tsql mainenance step to do this for me, below. And it seems to work for most of my databases, but it seems randomly to stop. Sometimes it'll back up 10 of my databases before stopping without failure, and sometimes it'll go through 60, but it never finishes for all databases. I've also included the stored proc being called.

    declare @databasename varchar(200)

    declare DatabaseCursor cursor for

    select name from sys.databases where name not like 'tempdb'

    order by name

    open DatabaseCursor

    fetch next from DatabaseCursor into @databasename

    while @@fetch_status=0


    exec('exec mydb.dbo.BackupAndMove '''+@databasename+'''');

    fetch next from DatabaseCursor into @databasename


    close DatabaseCursor

    deallocate DatabaseCursor

    CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[BackupAndMove]

    @databasename varchar(200)



    declare @time varchar(123)

    declare @sql varchar(300)

    declare @fileloc varchar(300)

    set @time = CONVERT(CHAR(8),GETDATE(),112)+REPLACE(CONVERT(CHAR(5),GETDATE(),108),':','')

    select @fileloc = 'f:\MSSQL\BACKUP\UserDB\' + @databasename+'_db_' + @time + '.bak'

    select @sql = 'backup database ' + @databasename+ ' to disk = ''' + @fileloc + ''''


    select @sql = 'exec xp_cmdshell ''move "'+@fileloc+'" "\\server\f$\Backups"'''



  • Triple-double idiot: Why didn't i just backup directly across the network? It seems to be working now that I did the obvious.

  • I spoke too soon. It still stops randomly. It did about 60 of the 70 databases and stopped. No error, just it just quit.

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