backup details?????

  • hi all,

    i m new bee in sql server i want to know step by step method to restore to point of failure

    i dunt need n e link for this ...i red lots of links but i didnt come across the point

    ex ..

    FULL back up every midnignt 11 pm..

    Differncial back up every 3 hours in a days

    transactional log backup every 1 hours

    if my server goes down/crashed at 5:30 pm .

    so how can i restore my all transactions till 5:29...

    n how much i loose my trans??

    so and frm where can i get all trans

    plz help me for full details ,, i dunot need any link ...

    help me out...

  • love (6/2/2008)

    plz help me for full details ,, i dunot need any link ...

    help me out...

    Thanks MohammedU 😀 Some posters want everything given to them without any effort on their part. Glad to see a "wicked" sense of humor....made my day!

    -- You can't be late until you show up.

  • tosscrosby (6/2/2008)

    love (6/2/2008)

    plz help me for full details ,, i dunot need any link ...

    help me out...

    Thanks MohammedU 😀 Some posters want everything given to them without any effort on their part. Glad to see a "wicked" sense of humor....made my day!

    Link is better as copy right is needed for copy & paste 🙂

  • Based on the OP's comments, he/she did not want to "read" anymore about how to accomplish the task at hand, therefore didn't want anybody posting links to valuable information. I don't think the Op was implying a linked server or anything along tose lines as a solution.

    love - Backups and restores are a DBAs best friend. Better learn how to use them before you truly need them. There is tons of information on the web and in BOL to get the information you need. "i red lots of links but i didnt come across the point" is not a valid excuse in the event of failure. And lines like this "plz help me for full details ,, i dunot need any link ..." will simply cause others to not respond to your issue. Show that you've made an honest effort of tackling your problem first and people will be more than happy to help when you get stuck.

    -- You can't be late until you show up.

  • Terry,

    Good advice.


    You would restore the full, the diff, and logs, and with the final log, go as long as you can. You have to practice those tasks. I'm not sure how a link is different than someone posting here. you need to know how to restore a full, a full and a diff, a full with a diff and logs. Practice that on a test database.

    You need a tail log backup, look that up in Books Online, and learn to create one. You'll need that to get to a point in time, assuming that you can get it. If not, you'd be able to restore to your last log backup.

  • Thanks Terry and Steve,

    First USer has to search it by themselves, if not than only any one can tell them.

    Backup plan prepared by DBA with Company(Organization) policy and point in time recovery options. You should be able to resolve such kind of issues, then only you will become Master on the Subject.



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