Backup DTS Packages, need help with script

  • To all,

    I found this script on the internet, however I keep getting an error when running on some servers. Could someone help me. what is wrong with the script?  Why am I getting this error?? See script below.

    /** ERROR -

    Server: Msg 50000, Level 16, State 1, Procedure s_SavePackages, Line 67

    failed to save package rc = -2147024773, package = Ceridian -> Concur (DEVELOPMENT)





    ---Save all DTS packages on server to files

    This will save all dts packages on the server to storage files.

    It uses a trusted connect to access the package - just change the LoadFromSQLServer call to use a sql server connection.


    if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[s_SavePackages]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1)

    drop procedure [dbo].[s_SavePackages]


    Create procedure s_SavePackages

    @Path varchar(128)




     set nocount on

    declare @objPackage int

    declare @PackageName varchar(128)

    declare @rc int

    declare @ServerName varchar(128)

    declare @FileName varchar(128)

    declare @FilePath varchar(128)

    declare @cmd varchar(2000)


     select  @ServerName = @@ServerName ,

      @FilePath = @Path


     if right(@Path,1) <> '\'


      select @Path = @Path + '\'



     -- create output directory - will fail if already exists but ...

     select @cmd = 'mkdir ' + @FilePath

     exec master..xp_cmdshell @cmd



    create table #packages (PackageName varchar(128))

     insert  #packages


     select  distinct name

     from msdb..sysdtspackages


     select @PackageName = ''

     while @PackageName < (select max(PackageName) from #packages)


      select @PackageName = min(PackageName) from #packages where PackageName > @PackageName

      select @FileName = @FilePath + @PackageName + '.dts'

      exec @rc = sp_OACreate 'DTS.Package', @objPackage output

      if @rc <> 0


       raiserror('failed to create package rc = %d', 16, -1, @rc)



      exec @rc = sp_OAMethod @objPackage, 'LoadFromSQLServer' , null,

       @ServerName = @ServerName, @Flags = 256, @PackageName = @PackageName

      if @rc <> 0


       raiserror('failed to load package rc = %d, package = %s', 16, -1, @rc, @PackageName)




      -- delete old file

      select @cmd = 'del ' + @FileName

      exec master..xp_cmdshell @cmd, no_output


      exec @rc = sp_OAMethod @objPackage, 'SaveToStorageFile', null, @FileName

      if @rc <> 0


       raiserror('failed to save package rc = %d, package = %s', 16, -1, @rc, @PackageName)




      exec @rc = sp_OADestroy @objPackage





    Nicole Williams

  • I think there is a problem with the statement:

    select @FileName = @FilePath + @PackageName + '.dts'

    if the path does not have the final '\'

    Although the \ is added to @Path, it is not added to @FilePath so the statement above does not work.

    I moved the statement to follow the check:

    if right(@Path,1) '\'


    select @Path = @Path + '\'


    select @ServerName = @@ServerName ,

    @FilePath = @Path

    and the sql executed (as script in Query Analyzer, I didn't do the proc create).

    I now have copies of all the dts packages on the server's C drive in a dts_backup folder. They can be opened and the layout is presevered - which DTSBackup didn't do the last time I looked at it.

    Statement reads like this:

    set nocount on

    declare @Path varchar(128)

    declare @objPackage int

    declare @PackageName varchar(128)

    declare @rc int

    declare @ServerName varchar(128)

    declare @FileName varchar(128)

    declare @FilePath varchar(128)

    declare @cmd varchar(2000)

    select @Path = 'c:\dts_backup'

    if right(@Path,1) '\'


    select @Path = @Path + '\'


    select @ServerName = @@ServerName ,

    @FilePath = @Path

    -- create output directory - will fail if already exists but ...

    select @cmd = 'mkdir ' + @FilePath

    exec master..xp_cmdshell @cmd

    -- create table #packages (PackageName varchar(128))

    insert #packages


    select distinct name

    from msdb..sysdtspackages

    select @PackageName = ''

    while @PackageName @PackageName

    select @FileName = @FilePath + @PackageName + '.dts'

    exec @rc = sp_OACreate 'DTS.Package', @objPackage output

    if @rc 0


    -- EXEC sp_OAGetErrorInfo @object, @src OUT, @desc OUT

    raiserror('failed to create package rc = %d', 16, -1, @rc)



    exec @rc = sp_OAMethod @objPackage, 'LoadFromSQLServer' , null,

    @ServerName = @ServerName, @Flags = 256, @PackageName = @PackageName

    if @rc 0


    raiserror('failed to load package rc = %d, package = %s', 16, -1, @rc, @PackageName)



    -- delete old file

    select @cmd = 'del ' + @FileName

    exec master..xp_cmdshell @cmd, no_output

    exec @rc = sp_OAMethod @objPackage, 'SaveToStorageFile', null, @FileName

    if @rc 0


    raiserror('failed to save package rc = %d, package = %s', 16, -1, @rc, @PackageName)



    exec @rc = sp_OADestroy @objPackage


  • I recommend that you go with pacarter's suggestion of using a solution from

    If you don't want to use the DTSBackup2000 tool, you can transfer them manually using DTS via a DataPump.  Check out the article...

    This is a very simple procedure if you use this approach.

  • I recommend that you go with pacarter's suggestion of using a solution from

    If you don't want to use the DTSBackup2000 tool, you can transfer them manually using DTS via a DataPump.  Check out the article...

    This is a very simple procedure if you use this approach.

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