backup file name generated by maintenance plan wizard is too large

  • HI

    We use maintenance plan wizard with SQL server 2008 to create maintenance plans.

    Is it possible to eliminate the sequence numbers ("_6540685") that are appened automaticaly at the end of the backup file name (TYPE=DISK)



    Very_long_DB_name_backup_2010_08_20_094506.trn ("_6540685" is not there)

    I ask this question because ==> some others tools fail because the backup file name is too large

    Is it possible ?

    If not, what is the purpose of the sequence numbers appened automaticaly at the end of the backup file name ?

    thank you


  • I am not sure if we can control the file naming convention in Maintenance Plans. If you want to change the naming conventions, use custom scripts. Some good examples are here[/url]

    Pradeep Adiga
    Twitter: @pradeepadiga

  • Maintenance plans are a point. I highly suggest checking out Brad McGehee's book on Maintenance Plans (free download):[/url]

    While the GUI is nice, you can still do what you need via code. By utilizing T-SQL you can customize plans more to your taste/needs.

    /* Backups are worthless, Restores are priceless */

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