Backup Problems

  • hi,

    i have a maintenance job that backs up a few databases, their log files and performs integrity checks on those databases as well and it's been running successfully for months now.

    however, this morning, i noticed one of the databases was not backed up, and further investigation showed it hasn't been backed up since the weekend.

    i tried to back it up and it fails with this error in the log:

    BACKUP failed to complete the command BACKUP DATABASE [db_name] TO DISK = N'E:\Backups_Loc\db_name_db.BAK' WITH NOINIT , NOUNLOAD , NAME = N'DB_name backup', NOSKIP , STATS = 10, NOFORMAT

    this is surprising as all the other databases are backed up .

    Any idea what the issue could be?


    All it takes, is a step in the right direction, your feet will manage to find the way. I didn't say it'll be easy!!![font="Comic Sans MS"]:cool:[/font]

  • From that command it looks like the backup file is being appended to during each backup.

    Two things to check are how large E:\Backups_Loc\db_name_db.BAK is in relation to that database and how much space is left on that drive.

    If that's the case you may need to change it to overwrite instead of append and include a Maintenance Cleanup Task to remove old backups.

  • thanks for responding.

    the backupfile is not appended to, it creates a new file each day, that is then zipped and moved to another physical location. so E:\Backups_Loc is empty by the time the whole process has finished and then it restarts again at night.

    All it takes, is a step in the right direction, your feet will manage to find the way. I didn't say it'll be easy!!![font="Comic Sans MS"]:cool:[/font]

  • The script you presented would append, not overwrite.

    Overwrite = WITH NOFORMAT, INIT


    - Tim Ford, SQL Server MVPhttp://www.sqlcruise.com

  • thanks, i didn't know that. i'll correct it at once.


    All it takes, is a step in the right direction, your feet will manage to find the way. I didn't say it'll be easy!!![font="Comic Sans MS"]:cool:[/font]

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