Backup report to text file...

  • OK, this seems like it should be an easy answer but I can't seem to come up with it. Here it is:

    If you create a maintenance plan using the wizard, and select a full backup, you have the option to write a report to a text file and/or email an operator that report. If you try to do the same without using the wizard, you do not have the option to write a report. I've checked in all the places I'd think you would specify this option manually and can't find it. Anyone have any ideas? I need to set this up on a number of existing maintenance plans and don't want to recreate all of them using the wizard. Thanks.


  • On the top menu bar of the maint plan there's an icon for "Reporting & Logging" . Is that what you want ?

  • You sir, ARE THE MAN. Could MS make that any easier to find? Lol.

    Thanks a ton!

  • Thank you! I was looking for that too and stumbled upon this thread. Much appreciated!

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