backup restore...problem

  • I am currently restoring an 8GB backup file..via enterprise manager. I have the msg "restore is in progress" but there is nothing on the actual progress bar.

    how long does such a restore take. Can someone help .

  • The amount of time required for a restore is very heavily dependent on several factors.

    The hardware that your backup file sits on.

    The hardware that your data files sit on.

    If you are restoring from a local location or accross a network.

    How much activity you have on your server.


    I would expect a 8gb file to restore in anywhere from 1 minute to 1 hour depending on the factors above.

  • Yesterday I've restored one DB from 6GB backup file. It took near 3-5min. Backup was on the same server and the server is fairly powerfull(this year production).

    Keep calm... Wait a while



  • thank you all for your feedback...I left it running last nite,came in this morning and it was bingo. I believe the server is just so slow....


  • I tend to ignore the taskbar, it can be misleading. In fact, it's hard to find out any info on the progress of a database restore while it's happening (e.g. sp_who2 isn't much use).

    If you are restoring to a new database it helps to make the data file(s) the same size as the backup so increase them to 8Gb.

    This week is restored one of our archive databses. 118 (one hundred and eighteen) Gb took 1 hour 47 mins on a Windows 2000 Server with 4 CPUs and 3 Gb of physical memory.


  • i agree with you personally i don't trust EM, especially db of such size, i would always run restore from QA; this way you don't have to tight up your machine.

  • The progress bar on EM tracks the data produced by doing a restore using the 'STATS = ' option, and is accurate, however....

    If you are restoring a database that doesn't already exist, SQL Server has to allocate and initialise the MDB and LDF files. Obviously, for a large database, this can take ages. The progress bar doesn't start moving until this allocation has finished. Only then is the progress bar of any use.

  • thanks All,

    am learning a lot on this site,and dare I say I always underated SqlServer as am more of an Oracle dba..but am excited with microsoft seems to have done most of the job via the there any easy way of learning T-sql...thats a killer for me. Not like any normal sql at all...

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