Bad SQL Jokes

  • Shocking all of them! 😛

  • OCTom (11/4/2010)

    Ray K (11/4/2010)

    Daniel Bowlin (11/4/2010)

    A SQL query goes into a bar, walks up to a table and asks 'May I join you?

    That depends, do you go left or do you go right?:laugh:

    Neither. Go for the full outer.

    How about a self join? Or, perhaps a cross join?

    OK, now people are looking in my cube because I just expelled Coca Cola through my nose and nearly drowned on the sweet carbonated goodness...

    Peter Trast
    Microsoft Certified ...(insert many literal strings here)
    Microsoft Design Architect with Alexander Open Systems

  • Just thought of another one:

    What did Bill Sykes's girlfriend say when she put her coat on?


    (Sorry - if you haven't read Oliver Twist that makes even less sense).

    MCSA SQL Server 2012

  • I still like my code for "SQL DBA on the prowl in a singles bar":

    SELECT Partner

    FROM Clientele

    WHERE Status='Available'

    ORDER BY BloodAlcoholContent DESC

    Alternatively, leave off the DESC if you prefer sober partners. :hehe:

  • Good code, Geoffrey. Glad to see it does not discriminate on grounds of looks, age or indeed gender. Still, as it gets close to closing time even a DBA will abandon their principles....

    MCSA SQL Server 2012

  • Geoffrey Wrigg (3/15/2011)

    I still like my code for "SQL DBA on the prowl in a singles bar":

    SELECT Partner

    FROM Clientele

    WHERE Status='Available'

    ORDER BY BloodAlcoholContent DESC

    Alternatively, leave off the DESC if you prefer sober partners. :hehe:

    Some people wouldn't even bother with the WHERE clause! 😀

    Check out my blog at

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