Balancing the Message

  • I'll second the comments of SSC-Enthusiastic. I prefer to see a marketplace page or ad channel and if I'm looking for a product I'll absolutely read ads. Reviews from users of this site on the products highlighted would be particularly credible. On the other hand, when a site throws up an ad that chases my focus around the page, and doesn't even have the x-tinguish square on the correct corner I usually just ctrl-w the whole thing. SQLServerCentral is so enjoyable to browse and read; I hope that will not change.

  • Thanks for all the great comments. We are not necessarily looking to put up more ads, but rather find other ways to interact with people.

    I'll discuss this with my team this week and let you know.

  • A bit late to respond on this one, perhaps, but I think a vendor section would be useful. I think the vendors should not be allowed to post on the regular forums as you get vendors who abuse the privilege and just post "use our product", a post that is worthless to those participating in the discussion. Vendors who do cross the line should probably be banned totally from the site.

    Since SSC is a rather large community, I am sure that many people use various third party software and you can probably get a good cross-section of users, both pro and con, for the product which can help others decide if the product is a good fit for them before investing lots of money and time only to find out that what the product doesn't do what they want.

    But yes, I would definitely vote for them to be off in a cordoned-off corner of SSC and not allowed to roam the site at large. Give us a place we can go visit them rather than letting them overrun the site with marketing gobbledy-gook.

    -- Kit

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