Basics of C2 Auditing

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  • In c2 audit mode option the trace file size will go up to 200 mb. Is it a configurable one. i.e whether we can configure it to 10 mb . because our db size is 20 gb.

    can be done or not?

  • It appears that this article was written quite some time ago... but, boy, is it sweet. I haven't tried it yet but Dinesh sure did make it easy.

    You can just bet I'm going to try it...

    Thanks, Dinesh! 5 stars!

    --Jeff Moden

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    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
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    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

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    Intro to Tally Tables and Functions

  • how can the C2 audit trace output files be redirected to another location (drives and folders) other than the default instance location?



  • I read your documentation clearly. I dont find any configuration to limit the size of the audit trace from 200 mb to 20mb or anything . And also there is no way in creating the file to different location other than mssql\data folder.

    I just need to know whether it can be enabled by any option like writing SP or triggers.



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