Batch loading using t-sql

  • Hoping someone can help on this one, I have a developer who wants to batch load from one table in sets of ten at a time obviously not inserting the same thing twice.

    I've created the below script as a test but wanted to know if theres a better way, the main problem is there isn't really anything which can be used uniquely to identify the rows in the new table so I can't really use subqueries with left joins, where clauses etc to eliminate the already inserted rows from the new table.

    SELECT TOP 100 identity(int) [Id],ColumnName INTO #FRtemp

    FROM dbo.TableName

    DECLARE @MinLoadCounter INT, @MaxLoadCounter INT, @End INT

    SET @End = (SELECT MAX(id+1) FROM dbo.#FRtemp)

    SET @MinLoadCounter = (SELECT MIN(id) FROM dbo.#FRtemp)

    SET @MaxLoadCounter = @MinLoadCounter + 4

    SELECT @MinLoadCounter,@MaxLoadCounter

    WHILE @MaxLoadCounter < @End


    SELECT TOP 10 id

    FROM #FRtemp

    WHERE id between @MinLoadCounter and @MaxLoadCounter

    SET @MinLoadCounter = @MaxLoadCounter+1

    SET @MaxLoadCounter = @MaxLoadCounter+5

    WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:02'


    DROP TABLE #FRtemp

  • This should work but you have a couple issues. You said you want to load in batches of 10. You select top 10 but limit it to 5 rows with the Min/Max logic.

    The biggest issue with your script is that if you don't have a multiple of 5 it will drop the last batch. Change your top 100 to top 101 and you will see what I mean. 😉

    You can however make this a little simpler while also making it more accurate. Consider the following script.

    SELECT TOP 121 identity(int) [Id], name INTO #FRtemp

    FROM sys.sysobjects

    DECLARE @MinLoadCounter INT, @End INT

    SET @End = (SELECT MAX(id+1) FROM dbo.#FRtemp)

    SET @MinLoadCounter = 1 --this should always start at 1, no need to select your initial value because it is an identity

    WHILE @MinLoadCounter < @End


    SELECT top 10 id

    FROM #FRtemp

    WHERE id between @MinLoadCounter and @End

    order by id

    SET @MinLoadCounter = @MinLoadCounter + 10


    DROP TABLE #FRtemp

    It now controls the batch size using the TOP operator. I included the order by so we know which rows we are getting. See if this will get what you need.


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  • Excellent thanks I'll take a look

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