bcp extra characters in output file

  • I need your help.

    I am using this from inside my SP to output to a data file

    EXEC master..xp_cmdshell 'bcp xdatabase..h837x out C:\FileExtract.txt -c'

    It works fine, EXCEPT I am ending up with random hex '200D0A's in the output file.  These appear as separate lines. 

    Can anyone explain how they got there and what I need to do to get rid of them?

    Thanks in advance.

    Phil Krieg





  • The "-c" parameter, as you are probably aware, uses the CHAR format.  What you might not know is that it adds the "newline" character as well.  Hex "0D" is a carriage return.  Hex "0A" is the linefeed character.  Hex "20" is the space character. 

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