BCP Question - How Can My Export of 1.6 Million Records Result in a File That is 400 GB?

  • I know, this is probably a strange question, but i've been tasked with getting a marketing user two year's worth of data so that he can send it off to a third-party vendor for marketing analysis. Problem is that i'm having a hell of a time trying to get it to him. I've decided that BCP is the best option, i'm querying all fields in a table out to a flat file. Because of the volume of data, i'm doing this by month, but i'm getting HUGE files and I don't know why. 1.6 million rows should not result in a file which is 400 gigabytes, LOL. Clearly i'm doing something wrong, but as I rarely work with BCP i'm not sure exactly what that is.

    Can someone take a look at my BCP command?

    BCP "select * from MyTable WHERE date_start_lead between '2014-07-01' AND '2014-07-31'" queryout G:\Leads3.txt -SUSW2DW1 -T -k -dEDW -c -t

  • Yours:

    BCP "select * from MyTable WHERE date_start_lead between '2014-07-01' AND '2014-07-31'" queryout G:\Leads3.txt -SUSW2DW1 -T -k -dEDW -c -t

    Add "|" or "\t" after -t and I bet your file size shrinks considerably. Right now BCP is delivering a fixed-width file instead of a delimited one so most of the data is likely whitespace.

    Try one of these:

    BCP "select * from MyTable WHERE date_start_lead between '2014-07-01' AND '2014-07-31'" queryout G:\Leads3.txt -SUSW2DW1 -T -k -dEDW -c -t "|"

    BCP "select * from MyTable WHERE date_start_lead between '2014-07-01' AND '2014-07-31'" queryout G:\Leads3.txt -SUSW2DW1 -T -k -dEDW -c -t "\t"

    If you expect pipes or tabs in your data you can choose something less traditional like ~ or even employ multiple characters like "|~|".

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.

  • Orlando that worked, my export is running very fast and easy now. Thanks for the help, BCP is sort of new to me but I see the value.

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