Begginer in SQL Procedures

  • Hi ,

    below procedure with if else statements.Single query updates well but when i trying to do with condition not going well.

    Im executing this way

    exec 3,2,2,2(here ID,response,buildinhpoint,@ID1)when i execute like this it updates @ID1=3 statement but not @ID1=2 .Is there any solutions for this program.

    ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[UpdateSurvey]

    -- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here

    @ID int,@response nvarchar(50),@buildingpoint nvarchar(50),@ID1 int



    -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from

    -- interfering with SELECT statements.




    UPDATE survey SET

    ques_1 = (select response from surveyanswers t2 where id=@response),q1buildpoint=(select buildingpoint from surveyanswers t2 where id=@buildingpoint)

    from survey c

    inner join surveyanswers s

    on = c.cid

    where c.cid = @ID


    Else If(@ID1=2)


    UPDATE survey SET

    ques_2a = (select response from surveyanswers t2 where id=@response),q2abuildpoint=(select buildingpoint from surveyanswers t2 where id=@buildingpoint)

    from survey c

    inner join surveyanswers s

    on = c.cid

    where c.cid = @ID


    Else If(@ID1=3)


    UPDATE survey SET

    ques_2b = (select response from surveyanswers t2 where id=@response),q2bbuildpoint=(select buildingpoint from surveyanswers t2 where id=@buildingpoint)

    from survey c

    inner join surveyanswers s

    on = c.cid

    where c.cid = @ID


    Else If(@ID1=4)


    UPDATE survey SET

    ques_2c = (select response from surveyanswers t2 where id=@response),q2cbuildpoint=(select buildingpoint from surveyanswers t2 where id=@buildingpoint)

    from survey c

    inner join surveyanswers s

    on = c.cid

    where c.cid = @ID


  • There is much wrong here, starting with the idea of having one proc do three things based on a 'magic number'. I suggest breaking this in to three procs, and then working out the issues with each one.

  • Break it into multiple procedures and ditch all the ELSE statements, you don't need them and they're making things more complex

    IF (@Var = 1)


    IF (@Var=2)



    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
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    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • A slightly different approach from the previous two, triggered by a gruelling telephone survey I was foolish enough to agree to participate in just a couple of weeks ago. There must have been two hundred questions and it took 35 minutes.

    Since all four statements are updates of the same table and must occur as a transaction, I'd change the code to update the table only once, like so - given the current calling syntax:

    ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[UpdateSurvey]

    -- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here

    @ID int, -- explanation

    @response nvarchar(50), -- explanation

    @buildingpoint nvarchar(50), -- explanation

    @ID1 int -- explanation




    ques_1 = CASE WHEN @ID1 = 1 THEN x.response ELSE ques_1 END,

    q1buildpoint = CASE WHEN @ID1 = 1 THEN y.buildingpoint ELSE q1buildpoint END,

    ques_2a = CASE WHEN @ID1 = 2 THEN x.response ELSE ques_2a END,

    q2abuildpoint = CASE WHEN @ID1 = 2 THEN y.buildingpoint ELSE q2abuildpoint END,

    ques_2b = CASE WHEN @ID1 = 3 THEN x.response ELSE ques_2b END,

    q2bbuildpoint = CASE WHEN @ID1 = 3 THEN y.buildingpoint ELSE q2bbuildpoint END,

    ques_2c = CASE WHEN @ID1 = 4 THEN x.response ELSE ques_2c END,

    q2cbuildpoint = CASE WHEN @ID1 = 4 THEN y.buildingpoint ELSE q2cbuildpoint END

    FROM survey c

    OUTER APPLY (SELECT response FROM surveyanswers t2 WHERE id = @response) x

    OUTER APPLY (SELECT buildingpoint FROM surveyanswers t2 WHERE id = @buildingpoint) y

    WHERE c.cid = @ID

    RETURN 0

    Christian makes a good point about the "magic number". Can you post up some code to show how this stored procedure is run? We might figure out a way to eliminate it.

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

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