Beginning Administration

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  • if anyone has any requests for tutorials on specific matters, we are preparing some material for new SQL DBAs and Oracle DBAs making the transition.

    we would be happy to post these here.


  • How about a Security overview and best practice (local logins vs. domain accounts).

    How about day to day maintenance and backup plans. What are the necessary jobs that all DBA's should do daily, weekly, monthly.



    No trees were harmed in the sending of this message, however a large number of electrons were terribly inconvenienced.

  • i think we can manage that.

    watch this space in the next few days.


  • Articles on managing a data warehouse would be greatly appreciated.

    Specifically any differences between managing a data warehouse as opposed to managing an OLTP system

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • Michael,

    have I missed something? Any news on this?

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • TTT

    I have been "blessed" as my companies SQL dba and I need some good starting guides.

  • I would be interested in anything you guys can give me on managing all of the above..

    Ill keep checking this space.. 



  • I would be interested in anything you guys can give me on managing all of the above..

    Ill keep checking this space.. 



  • I would definitely be interested in getting some basic information on SQL admin duties. Specifically maintenance plans, security, & optimization.

  • I am definitely interested in the Security and Administration duties of a MS2000 DBA.

    Christopher B. Kentebe
    B.S.E.E., O.C.P.
    Microsoft SQL Server2000 DBA
    Phone : (416) 338-1274
    Fax : (416) 696-3765

  • This should help set something up. This article provides some structure. Hope it helps.


  • Im administrator of an MIS that uses  SQL 2000 - and while I can find my way around the db, create backups, use dts,  and write Crystal Reports from the data - I find it difficult to understand  how to create views ( so that my Crystal Report can report from the view rather than a group of tables.)

    eg: I failed miserably at replication ( so I took my ball home and refused to play anymore!)

    Im also at  a total loss to understand  'joins' -  the concept, how they work/how to use them  etc etc


    Any Steve Jones style prompt sheets would be greatfully appreciated

  • The first thing a good dba should do, coming into an existing environment, is to put together a backup scheme.  Typically, a full backup once a week, and transaction logs more often (depending on how your organization would view data loss in a DR scenario).  Secondly, maintenance plans, DBCC checks, reindexing, etc.  Some good ones to check out are DBCC CheckDB, DBCC Reindex, DBCC IndexDefrag, DBCC ShowContig.  Some of these are very intrusive and should be done off-hours.  Capacity planning is also important.  Monitor your db sizes and keep tabs on it.  Once you have all of these automated, then you can start getting your hands dirty with performance tuning at the query level, DTS, Replication.


    Getting back to backups, be sure to test your backups on a regular basis.




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