"Bent corner" advertizements

  • Boy are these annoying. It makes me not want to keep a page of the site up or behind my active window. I like the "Banner turned off on purpose" and "This banner not working right either!" messages on the forum much better!

  • I agree with you.....this site has gotten awfully 'busy' with its advertisements.


  • There's a utility called TurnFlash from nirsoft.cjb.net that sits in the system tray, you can use it to flip the registry key for flash on / off. Very handy.

  • That's great, unless you work for a company/organization that limits what you can load onto your computer. For example, U.S. Government orgs are really strict on what can be loaded on their computers and TurnFlash isn't approved.


  • I do not know the details of the TurnFlash program, but if it is a registry key flip, a regedit batch job may do the trick.(Depending on permission to the keys).

    And if you are lucky enough to have firefox installed most extensions do not require admin priviledges. There are pleny of flash blocking extension, and by default I do not think Firefox is setup to handle Flash. Plus you do not even need to install Firefox, you can use the portable version at portableapps.com. (I do not know if extensions work with the portable version though.)

  • AKA Page Peel, we've set it up for a two month trial run to see both how effective it is and how readers like yourselves react to it. We're entirely advertiser supported and Im sure you can understand that advertisers are looking for ways to reach potential buyers more effectively. We counter balance that quite a bit by not doing things like pop ups. To us, the tab on the corner seemed like a good compromise - you dont have to look at it unless you want to, and if you do, the ads are a lot more informative (entertaining?) than a banner ad.

    As far as being busy with ads, prior to this we had experimented with the "double underline" ad server to see how it would work, you'll notice we've turned it off while we run the page peel test. Whether either stays long term remains to be seen. Aside from those experiments, our ads have changed little in years. We're pretty sensitive about ads - we're users too! Also keep in mind that we don't do off topic ads. If you see it here its something we think will be relevant to a good bunch of readers.

    If any one you would, I'd appreciate comments about exactly where/why the site seems to have too many ads, why the page peel is bothering you, etc. Can't promise to change anything immediately because we agreed to the trial, but we are serious about listening and making changes when needed.

  • I do not mind ads, as long as they do not get in the way or replace content.

    Am I the only one who has noticed the close proximity to the scroll bar can cause it to peal? However if you scroll the page while it is Pealed, it will not Un-Peel unless you scroll the page up and hover the mouse over the Peal.

    This is anoying at best!

    Move the page peal to the left corner...

    I know "but that will hide our logo!"...

    How about emailing when you remove this S(P) S H(UP) S "feature"? My CpT wrist does not need extra exercise.


  • I was going to comment on today's article by Steve Re:Advertising via the "Respond to today's editorial link" but for the first time I've noticed all links and adverts from the SSC Daily Update have been disabled by my mail browser due to concerns about my privacy.

    The site and newsletter is good guys but over the years I've seen you justify more and more advertising either to provide a better service or due to revenue concerns? Bit of a tight line that, isn't it...

    Most of us signed up before you had all the flashy adverts and I personally think that you're just taking the micky now. I've strangely got nothing against the corner peel thing by what's their names but primarily against all the other stuff pasted in between the articles, sometimes pretending to be real articles some of which lead to other sites demanding my personal info to see a dumb pdf or movie that I can get elsewhere.

    Thanks anyway for the effort but the site is getting a bit cheesy and if you want to offer it as an advertising  benchmark against other sites we've got serious problems. Why are you doing this again please?

    Maybe it's the morning caffeine rush and I do apologise if I've said anything out of hand but those are the cold-hard facts.


  • And it annoys me even more that my 100th post was for that...


  • I think I really appreciate any website where the advertising doesn't take you to a pornographic or gambling site.  I appreciate that 50 windows don't pop up along with the one I intended.  I appreciate that ads don't follow me down the screen when I scroll or get in the way of the information I want to see.

    Anything else I can put up with.

    This site may not be as clean as Google, but it sure could be worse.  Thank you folks for this free and valuable resource.

  • What bothers me about the 'page peel' ad? It's too close to the Log Out menu item. Sometimes when I move the mouse to click on Log Out, I get too close to the page peel ad and it opens up. Then I have to wait until it closes so I can log off.


  • Have no issue with the advertisements myself, you're perfectly entitled to do whatever is necessary to earn a crust! Would however agree that they may work better on the opposite side of the page.

  • I've been struggling with the new adverts this morning: They keep hanging up Firefox. Can't close Ff, can't scroll the window, can't do much of anything, but the 'bent corner' advert works just fine. 🙁

    May have to switch back to IE... 😉

    (Edit for more detail) Seems to be that scrolling/window functions go out the, uh, window with 3 tabs open; Open/close the program exits with 4 or more tabs open. All tabs are pointing to forum entries - I'm going through SSC's email and opening "interesting" things to read...

    Steve G.

  • Bill, I see your point on the logout, wasnt something I noticed because I stay logged in. For now I shifted the entire menu to the left, see if that helps some. I could also move logout to the left if first try isnt enough.

  • Andy,

    Right now the 'bent corner' ad is no longer in the Active Topics forum view. So that's good. I haven't had any problems since you adjusted the menu bar.



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