Best practice for data safety

  • Hey all,

    I was wondering if anyone could share with me any best practices they follow in regards to the locations of developing databases.  In this time of stolen laptops, privacy issues - I would think that it would be best practice to not have production copies of databases on laptops that are not totally secured, either by full hard drive encryption, or scrambling databases.


    In places that I have worked in the past, the "development" and "QA" databases resided on a server secured in the server room, along with the production databases and servers.  Developers / Engineers would connect to the data, and work that way...not having full databases loaded on any laptop.

    At the place I am now, the developers / engineers all have their own (full or MSDE / Express is still being determined) version of SQL server, along with the full versions of the databases they work with on a day to day basis.  This scares me because 1.  the work cannot get backed up and 2.  it takes users data and places it at risk.  3. possible license issues if these are not MSDE/Express

    Please share with me your thoughts and best practices you follow in your employment.


    -- Cory

  • Don't allow any one to restore production database copies to their laptops including power users...

    Don't give the access to your backups to regular users other than power users...

    You can enforce pwd protection to the backups...

    It is all depends on the company policy to give the access to backups and/or sql installation on users laptops...


    Microsoft SQL Server MVP

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