Best way to run a query, need help.

  • Considering this, i have 2 tables A and B

    first Method, using a cursor on table A,

    i start updating records on table b. If table A has 100K records, the cursor will be holding 100K rows, how sql server manages it, i am particularly concern, i am aware of the overhead

    second method, using a while loop on table A

    i update the records on table b, if A has 100K records, the sql statement will execute 100K times.

    In the end which method will yield the fastest performance and in the same time uses the least resources?

    Thanks. I need another help, is there anyway while running the query, any indicator on performance monitor i cna use to estimate the performance?

  • The cursor will hold the record set in tempdb...

    if you are looping on the table using a identity or some such column - this should reduce the overhead of storing the recordset..hence be better than the cursor

    if you have the option - you should try a set based approach

  • ok thanks. Btw, how do i go abt doing the set based approach?

  • depends on what you want to do.. if you could paste the DDL and some data - we can have a look

  • Simple example

    UPDATE b 
    SET b.col = a.col
    FROM tableb b
    INNER JOIN tablea a
    ON a.rowid = b.rowid

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • In my opinion, only use cursor as the last resort because it takes more time and more resource.

    you could also parse out your update such as

    declare @a int, @i int

    set @i = 1

    select @a = count(*) from a

    while @i < @a


    UPDATE b SET b.col = a.col

    FROM tableb b

    INNER JOIN tablea a ON a.rowid = b.rowid

    and a.rowid <= @i + 1000

    set @i = @i+1000



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