BETWEEN keyword in SQL

  • I am trying to use between dynamically to query a database to go one hour back from the current SQL Server time. Below is the query fragment. It did compile without error but didn't return any results. can you help?

    where timestamp between DATEADD(hh,-1,GETDATE()) AND DATEADD(hh,0,GETDATE())

    Thanks for your help

    Festus Kahsay

  • I would shorten the BETWEEN expression to:


    But most importantly, what is the datatype of the column [timestamp]. If it is a 'timestamp' datatype, you will never get any results since the 'timestamp' datatype doesn't have anything to do with time.

    Let us know the table schema to better help you.

  • Hi All,

    drop table #temp

    create table #temp


                fldID int,

                fldTstamp timestamp



    insert into #temp (fldID) values(1)

    insert into #temp (fldID) values(2)

    insert into #temp (fldID) values(3)

    insert into #temp (fldID) values(4)

    insert into #temp (fldID) values(5)

    insert into #temp (fldID) values(6)

    insert into #temp (fldID) values(7)

    insert into #temp (fldID) values(8)

    insert into #temp (fldID) values(9)

    insert into #temp (fldID) values(10)

    insert into #temp (fldID) values(11)

    insert into #temp (fldID) values(12)


    select * from #temp


    The result was


    1          0x00000000000000A9

    2          0x00000000000000AA

    3          0x00000000000000AB

    4          0x00000000000000AC

    5          0x00000000000000AD

    6          0x00000000000000AE

    7          0x00000000000000AF

    8          0x00000000000000B0

    9          0x00000000000000B1

    10        0x00000000000000B2

    11        0x00000000000000B3

    12        0x00000000000000B4


    While looking at the result set, the timestamp values are produced in an order.



    UPDATE #temp SET fldID = 3 WHERE fldID = 2

    UPDATE #temp SET fldID = 4 WHERE fldID = 1

    UPDATE #temp SET fldID = 5 WHERE fldID = 9

    UPDATE #temp SET fldID = 7 WHERE fldID = 11


    When the updated the table #temp



    4          0x00000000000000B8

    3          0x00000000000000B6

    3          0x00000000000000AB

    4          0x00000000000000AC

    5          0x00000000000000AD

    6          0x00000000000000AE

    7          0x00000000000000AF

    8          0x00000000000000B0

    5          0x00000000000000B9

    10        0x00000000000000B2

    7          0x00000000000000BA

    12        0x00000000000000B4



    After updating the table #temp, you can see that only the updated rows timestamp values got changed, while other time stamp values remains intact.

    By this we can find out which all rows got changed.


    I don’t know whether we can incorporate BETWEEN keyword for timestamp columns.

    With Regards,


  • Again, the timestamp datatype has NOTHING to do with time. It is a serialized value that changes every time there is a change to any column in the row -and also it is NOT a sequential value for the row.

    I believe it was renamed to 'rowversion' in SQL 2000.

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