BI - ETL tools

  • I just came back from a datawarehouse conference.   These days almost data warehouse becomes very important to a lot of organization.   Of couse when you talked about data warehouse, the big name in the business is Kimball.  A few months ago I read a paper about someone interviewed Kimball.  He said ETL was very important but people these days tended to buy the most expensive tool to do it.  The tool would not help you solving the problem.

    In one of my class - how to design a high performance data warehouse, the instructor insists people should go and buy a ELT tool.  When I said something about Kimball said the tool was not important. He said whoever said this was living in a dark ages.  So I said "You mean Kimball is living in a dark ages".  He laughed and said he did not want to argue and people in the audiences laughed. 

    Then I went to another class - data strategy in practice. I told the instructor I use DTS to extract data and he said DTS is a ELT tool.  He also said whatever suited your company and did the jog, then that was the right tool.  It did not necessary to buy the most expensive tool.

    What do you think about these two people's comments?

    Whoever has a data warehouse? Which ELT tool do you use?

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  • This seems like a no brainer. If the tool meets business and functional needs one would be foolish to pay for a more expensive product. Sometimes the 'inexpensive option is the best.

    RegardsRudy KomacsarSenior Database Administrator"Ave Caesar! - Morituri te salutamus."

  • I agree. If it fits business requirements, its fine. In SQL 2005 perspective, with the new SSIS architecture, you can achieve much more functionality then you used to with the DTS platform. This may also influence the decision of whether to invest in a "stand alone" ETL tool or not.

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