BI Jobs

  • Well I just got my Cert for BI, but having a problem get a job with no experience. Any suggestion on get a job. Another thing I finding in my area is there is not very many people that are doing this. So any Idea would help.

  • In that case, the best place to start may be your current employer. Every one can use BI whether they realize it or not.

  • Well I am one of those that do not have a current employer.

  • Sorry to hear about that. Hopefully you have some SQL Server experience that you can showcase along with newly acquired BI skills.

    In the meantime, continue working with sample and test databases to maintain and expand your knowledge.

    Good luck in your search.

  • You could try to convince an employer to hire you for an "internship" to start with.

    Work there for 4 to 6 weeks for a lower rate (or none). This way you can build up experience, along with your certification, and you can prove the company that you are the right man for the job.

    Even if they don't hire you after the internship, you will have some experience that you can present to other employers.

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  • Another way to get experience is volunteer with a local charity that might need some help. You could get some valuable experience that might help you land a paid position later on.

  • Just one more suggestion - might be worth looking into some open source work / contract work (rent-a-coder, elance, etc) if you can, seen as you are not currently working you can probably offer some pretty low rates and it will give you more real-world experience, as well as showing future employers you are willing to work.

    All the best!


  • Yes I have already been doing that for system admin. I have been thinking of doing the database stuff see if there are BI stuff. I belong to about 3 or 4 sites.

  • I would suggest you to search entry level or enternship type job, if you can. Second option is to search community service/volunteer job in database field.

    It would help you to know the IT world in the reality,build confidence, and helps to move forward.

  • Yea I know the IT world be in it for a long time.

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